Log4j Version 1.2.14: Class DefaultLF5Configurator

Log4j 1.2

Log4j 1.2.14

org.apache.log4j.lf5 Class DefaultLF5Configurator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultLF5Configurator
extends Object
implements Configurator

The DefaultLF5Configurator provides a default configuration for the LF5Appender. Note: The preferred method for configuring a LF5Appender is to use the LF5Manager class. This class ensures that configuration does not occur multiple times, and improves system performance. Reconfiguring the monitor multiple times can result in unexpected behavior.

Brent Sprecher

static void


public static void configure()
                      throws IOException
This method configures the LF5Appender using a default configuration file. The default configuration file is defaultconfig.properties.
IOException -  


public void doConfigure(URL configURL,
                        LoggerRepository repository)
This is a dummy method that will throw an IllegalStateException if used.
Specified by:
doConfigure in interface Configurator
Following copied from interface: org.apache.log4j.spi.Configurator
url - The URL to parse
repository - The hierarchy to operation upon.

Log4j 1.2.14

Copyright 2000-2005 Apache Software Foundation.