Autodesk FDO User Management Utility API Reference

Autodesk FDO User Management Utility API

API Reference Autodesk FDO User Management Utility
static FDOSCHEMA_API bool XmiFdoSchemaTransform::XmiToFdo ( FdoXmlReader *  pXmi,
FdoXmlWriter *  pGml,
FdoIoTextWriter *  pLog 
) [static]

Transforms an input XMI stream to an output GML stream.

pXmi A FdoXmlReader object from which the input XMI stream will be read.
pGml A FdoXmlWriter object to which the output GML stream will be written.
pLog A FdoIoTextWriter object to which logging information (messages and warnings) will be sent; can be null
Returns true if it succeeded without warnings and false if it succeeded with warnings. On error, an exception is thrown.

The output GML stream can be passed along to an FDO provider's FdoFeatureSchemaCollection object's ReadXml method in order to create an in-memory logical feature schema, which can then be passed along to the provider's FdoIApplySchema command's SetFeatureSchema method, if the provider supports it. Alternatively, the output GML stream can be passed along to a provider's FdoIConnection object's SetConfiguration method, if the provider supports it. If any errors occur during the translation process, an exception is thrown (as opposed to being sent to the logging object).
