OSGeo FDO Provider for Raster API Reference

OSGeo FDO Provider for Raster API

API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for Raster

FDO Provider for Raster Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
FdoRfpClassCollectionThe FdoRfpClassCollection holds a list of class definitions
FdoRfpClassDefinitionDefines overrides for a feature class that contains raster data
FdoRfpPhysicalSchemaMappingThe instance of class FdoRfpPhysicalSchemaMapping is the root object of all instances of overrides classes. It holds a list of Class Definitions
FdoRfpRasterBandCollectionHolds a list of Raster Band Definition
FdoRfpRasterBandDefinitionDefines a raster band which contains a name and the extents of the raster band
FdoRfpRasterDefinitionCollection of raster locations
FdoRfpRasterFeatureCollectionHolds a list of Raster Feature Definition
FdoRfpRasterFeatureDefinitionCollection of raster Features
FdoRfpRasterGeoreferenceLocationThe FdoRfpRasterImageDefinition class defines a raster image which contains a name and the extents of the raster image
FdoRfpRasterImageDefinitionDefines a raster image which contains a name and the extents of the raster image
FdoRfpRasterLocationDefines a location that contains a collection of raster feature definitions
FdoRfpRasterLocationCollectionCollection of Raster Locations
