.NET API Reference | Autodesk FDO Provider for Raster |
The Feature Data Objects (FDO) API provides access to data in a data store. A provider is a specific implementation of the FDO API that provides access to data in a particular data store. The Autodesk FDO Provider for Raster is a stand-alone file format that supports GIS data.
The FDO Provider for Raster has the following characteristics:
- The FDO Provider for Raster supports georeferenced file-based raster images and file-based grid coverages. Raster images are pixel-based images, such as digital photographs (satellite images, for example). Raster images are very useful as background images underneath your vector data, for example, an aerial photograph of a city with a layer of streets overlaying it.
- The FDO Provider for Raster can run in a multi-platform environment, including Windows and Linux.
The following list shows the raster image file formats that are supported, along with their acronyms and file extensions:
- JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- JPG2K (.jp2, .j2k) - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- MrSID (.sid) - Multi-Resolution Seamless Image Database
- PNG (.png) - Portable Network Graphic
- TIFF (.tif, .tiff) - Tagged Image File Format
- DEM (.dem) - USGS Format Digital Elevation Model
- ECW (.ecw) - Enhanced Compressed Wavelet
- DTED (.dt0, .dt1, dt2) - Digital Terrain Elevation Data
- ESRI ASCII GRID (.asc) - ESRI Surface
- ESRI Binary GRID (.adf) - ESRI Surface
The following data models are supported:
ModelType | BitsPerPixel | Organization | DataType |
Bitonal | 1 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
Grey | 8 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
RGB | 24 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
RGBA | 32 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
Pallete | 8 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
Data | 1 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
Data | 8 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
Data | 8 | Pixel | Signed Integer |
Data | 16 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
Data | 16 | Pixel | Signed Integer |
Data | 32 | Pixel | Unsigned Integer |
Data | 32 | Pixel | Signed Integer |
Data | 32 | Pixel | Float |
- Note:
- Only DEM, TIFF, and ECW images support the Data ModelType.
- All 2- and 4-BitsPerPixel images are promoted to 8 BitsPerPixel as per the underlying ATIL behavior.
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