JDHSoftware.Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonOutlookGrid Namespace

Krypton OutlookGrid

JDHSoftware.Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonOutlookGrid Namespace
Krypton OutlookGrid v1.6.0

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:JDHSoftware.Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonOutlookGrid"]

  Class Description
Public class CollapsedEventArgs
Class for Node collapsed events
Public class CollapsingEventArgs
Class for Node collapsing events
Public class ExpandedEventArgs
Class for Node expanding events
Public class ExpandingEventArgs
Class for Node expanding events
Public class KryptonOutlookGrid
Krypton DataGridView allowing nested grouping and unlimited sorting
Public class KryptonOutlookGridGroupBox
GroupBox for the Krypton OutlookGrid
Public class OutlookGridAlphabeticGroup
This group simple example of an implementation which groups the items into Alphabetic categories based only on the first letter of each item For this we need to override the Value property (used for comparison) and the CompareTo function. Also the Clone method must be overriden, so this Group object can create clones of itself. Cloning of the group is used by the OutlookGrid
Public class OutlookGridColumn
Column for the OutlookGrid
Public class OutlookGridColumnCollection
List of the current columns of the OutlookGrid
Public class OutlookGridColumnEventArgs
Class for events of the column in the groupbox.
Public class OutlookGridDateTimeGroup
Public class OutlookGridDefaultGroup
Each arrange/grouping class must implement the IOutlookGridGroup interface the Group object will determine for each object in the grid, whether it falls in or outside its group. It uses the IComparable.CompareTo function to determine if the item is in the group. This class group the elements by default (string, int, ...)
Public class OutlookGridGroupBoxColumn
Column for the OutlookGrid GroupBox
Public class OutlookGridGroupCollection
List of IOutlookGridGroups
Public class OutlookGridGroupHelpers
Class containing functions for the IOutlookGridGroups
Public class OutlookGridGroupImageEventArgs
Class for events of the group image of a group row.
Public class OutlookGridRow
OutlookGridRow - subclasses the DataGridView's DataGridViewRow class In order to support grouping with the same look and feel as Outlook, the behaviour of the DataGridViewRow is overridden by the OutlookGridRow. The OutlookGridRow has 2 main additional properties: the Group it belongs to and a the IsRowGroup flag that indicates whether the OutlookGridRow object behaves like a regular row (with data) or should behave like a Group row.
Public class OutlookGridRowNodeCancelEventBase
Base class OutlookGridRowNode cancellable events
Public class OutlookGridRowNodeCollection
List of IOutlookGridGroups
Public class OutlookGridRowNodeEventBase
Base class for OutlookGridRowNode events
Public class StaticValues
Static values
  Interface Description
Public interface IOutlookGridGroup
IOutlookGridGroup specifies the interface of any implementation of a OutlookGridGroup class Each implementation of the IOutlookGridGroup can override the behaviour of the grouping mechanism Notice also that ICloneable must be implemented. The OutlookGrid makes use of the Clone method of the Group to create new Group clones. Related to this is the OutlookGrid.GroupTemplate property, which determines what type of Group must be cloned.
  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration FillMode
Grid filling mode
Public enumeration OutlookGridDateTimeGroupDateInterval
Enum of Date interval for the OutlookGridDateTimeGroup