UltimateCalendar Properties

WebControls UltimateCalendar

UltimateCalendar Class Library

UltimateCalendar Properties

The properties of the UltimateCalendar class are listed below. For a complete list of UltimateCalendar class members, see the UltimateCalendar Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

AccessKey (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the access key (underlined letter) that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.
Attributes (inherited from WebControl) Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control.
AutoPostBackOnSelectionChanged Gets or sets whether the control does auto postback on selection changed.
AutoPostBackOnVisibleMonthChanged Gets or sets whether the control does auto postback on visible month changed.
BackColor (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the background color of the Web server control.
BindingContainer (inherited from Control) 
BorderColor (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the border color of the Web control.
BorderStyle (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the border style of the Web server control.
BorderWidth (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the border width of the Web server control.
CellPadding (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the amount of space between the contents of a cell and the cell's border.
CellSpacing (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the amount of space between cells.
ClientID (inherited from Control) Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET.
Controls (inherited from Control) Gets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.
ControlStyle (inherited from WebControl) Gets the style of the Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers.
ControlStyleCreated (inherited from WebControl) Gets a value indicating whether a Style object has been created for the ControlStyle property. This property is primarily used by control developers.
CssClass (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the Web server control on the client.
DayHeaderStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for the section that displays the day of the week.
DayNameFormat (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the name format of days of the week.
DayOverStyle Gets the style applied to days when the mouse is over the day.
DayStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for the days in the displayed month.
DisabledDates Gets the disabled days collection.
DisabledDayStyle Gets the style applied to disabled days.
Enabled (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled.
EnableViewState (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.
FirstDayOfWeek (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the day of the week to display in the first day column of the Calendar control.
Font (inherited from WebControl) Gets the font properties associated with the Web server control.
FooterTemplate Gets or sets the footer template to include any HTML or server control.
ForeColor (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the foreground color (typically the color of the text) of the Web server control.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the header template to include any HTML or server control.
Height (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the height of the Web server control.
ID (inherited from Control) Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
IncludeDirectory Gets or sets the include directory.
InitiallyHidden Gets or sets whether to initially hide the calendar to be shown by the date picker.
MaxDate Gets or sets the maximum date to display.
MinDate Gets or sets the minimum date to display.
MonthCount Gets or sets the number of consecutive months to display.
MonthPadding Gets or sets the padding between months.
MonthSpacing Gets or sets the spacing between months.
MonthsPerRow Gets or sets the number of months per row.
MultiDaySelect Gets or sets whether allowing multiple day selection.
MultiMonthTitleStyle Gets the style applied to the multiple month title.
NamingContainer (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same ID property value.
NextMonthText (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the text displayed for the next month navigation control.
NextPrevFormat (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the format of the next and previous month navigation elements in the title section of the Calendar control.
NextPrevStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for the next and previous month navigation elements.
OtherMonthDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for the days on the Calendar control that are not in the displayed month.
OtherMonthMode Gets or sets whether other month days are rendered as enabled links, disabled links or hidden.
Page (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server control.
Parent (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy.
PrevMonthText (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the text displayed for the previous month navigation control.
QuickPick Gets or sets whether to display month and year in dropdown lists in title to let the user navigate quickly.
QuickPickYearsAfter Gets or sets the number of years after the current year to display in dropdown list.
QuickPickYearsBefore Gets or sets the number of years before the current year to display in dropdown list.
SelectedDate (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the selected date.
SelectedDates (inherited from Calendar) Gets a collection of DateTime objects that represent the selected dates on the Calendar control.
SelectedDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for the selected dates.
SelectionMode (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the date selection mode on the Calendar control that specifies whether the user can select a single day, a week, or an entire month.
SelectMonthText (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the text displayed for the month selection element in the selector column.
SelectorStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for the week and month selector column.
SelectWeekText (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the text displayed for the week selection element in the selector column.
ShowDayHeader (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the heading for the days of the week is displayed.
ShowGridLines (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the days on the Calendar control are separated with grid lines.
ShowMultiMonthTitle Gets or sets whether to display a title at the top for a month range.
ShowNextPrevMonth (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Calendar control displays the next and previous month navigation elements in the title section.
ShowTitle (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the title section is displayed.
ShowWeekNumbers Gets or sets whether showing week numbers when weeks are selectable.
Site (inherited from Control) Gets information about the Web site to which the server control belongs.
SpecialDates Gets the special days collection.
Style (inherited from WebControl) Gets a collection of text attributes that will be rendered as a style attribute on the outer tag of the Web server control.
TabIndex (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.
TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) Gets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control.
TitleFormat (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the title format for the title section.
TitleStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties of the title heading for the Calendar control.
TodayDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for today's date on the Calendar control.
TodaysDate (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the value for today's date.
ToolTip (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the Web server control.
UniqueID (inherited from Control) Gets the unique, hierarchically-qualified identifier for the server control.
Visible (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.
VisibleDate (inherited from Calendar) Gets or sets the date that specifies the month to display on the Calendar control.
WeekendDayStyle (inherited from Calendar) Gets the style properties for the weekend dates on the Calendar control.
Width (inherited from WebControl) Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.

See Also

UltimateCalendar Class | Karamasoft.WebControls.UltimateCalendar Namespace | UltimateCalendarInclude Directory