Entity - KBEngine cell

KBEngine API



[KBEngine module]

Entity is part of the KBEngine module. More...

import KBEngine

Member functions

def accelerate( self, accelerateType, acceleration ):
def addYawRotator( self, targetYaw, velocity, userArg ):
def addProximity( self, range, userArg ):
def addTimer( self, start, interval=0.0, userData=0 ):
def cancelController( self, controllerID ):
def clientEntity( self, destID ):
def canNavigate( self ):
def debugView( self ):
def delTimer( self, id ):
def destroy( self ):
def destroySpace( self ):
def entitiesInView( self ):
def entitiesInRange( self, range, entityType=None, position=None ):
def isReal( self ):
def moveToEntity( self, destEntityID, velocity, distance, userData, faceMovement, moveVertically, offsetPos ):
def moveToPoint( self, destination, velocity, distance, userData, faceMovement, moveVertically ):
def getViewRadius( self ):
def getViewHystArea( self ):
def getRandomPoints( self, centerPos, maxRadius, maxPoints, layer ):
def navigate( self, destination, velocity, distance, maxMoveDistance, maxSearchDistance, faceMovement, layer, userData ):
def navigatePathPoints( self, destination, maxSearchDistance, layer ):
def setViewRadius( self, radius, hyst=5 ):
def teleport( self, nearbyMBRef, position, direction ):
def writeToDB( self, shouldAutoLoad, dbInterfaceName ):


def onDestroy( self ):
def onEnterTrap( self, entity, rangeXZ, rangeY, controllerID, userArg ):
def onEnteredView( self, entity ):
def onGetWitness( self ):
def onLeaveTrap( self, entity, rangeXZ, rangeY, controllerID, userArg ):
def onLoseControlledBy( self, id ):
def onLoseWitness( self ):
def onMove( self, controllerID, userData ):
def onMoveOver( self, controllerID, userData ):
def onMoveFailure( self, controllerID, userData ):
def onRestore( self ):
def onSpaceGone( self ):
def onTurn( self, controllerID, userData ):
def onTeleport( self ):
def onTeleportFailure( self ):
def onTeleportSuccess( self, nearbyEntity ):
def onTimer( self, timerHandle, userData ):
def onUpdateBegin( self ):
def onUpdateEnd( self ):
def onWitnessed( self, isWitnessed ):
def onWriteToDB( self ):


allClients  Read-only PyClient
base  Read-only BaseEntityCall
client  Read-only ClientEntityCall
controlledBy  BaseEntityCall
className  Read-only string
direction  Tuple of 3 floats as (roll, pitch, yaw)
hasWitness  boolean
id  Read-only Integer
isDestroyed  Read-only bool
isWitnessed  Read-only bool
layer  int8
otherClients  Read-only PyClient
position  Vector3
spaceID  Read-only uint32
topSpeed  float
topSpeedY  float
volatileInfo  float

A detailed description

Instances of class Entity represent game objects in the cell. An Entity can either be "real" or "ghosted". A "ghost" Entity is a copy of a "real" Entity living on a neighboring cell. There is a unique "real" Entity instance for each entity, and 0 or more "ghost" Entity instances.

An Entity instance controls the location data of the entity, including its position and rotation. It also controls how often this data is sent to the client (if possible). The location data can be updated by a unique client and modified by the controller object using the teleport member function. Controllers are non-python objects that can be used to change the location data over time on cell entities. They are added to Entity through member functions such as "trackEntity" and "turnToYaw" and can be removed via "cancelController".

Area of Interest or "View" is an important concept for all KBEngine entities that belong to a client. The view of an entity is the area that the client (if it has a client) can perceive around this entity. This is used to select the amount of data sent to the client. The actual shape of the View is defined by the range of distances on the x-axis and around the z-axis, and there is a lag region that extends outward like a shape. An Entity enters another Entity's view, but does not leave it until it leaves the lag area. An Entity can modify its View size via "setViewRadius". You can find all entities within a specific distance with "entitiesInRange" and set traps to capture all entities that enter the trap with "addProximity".

The new Entity on cellapp can be created using KBEngine.createEntity. An entity can also be created by the baseapp remote calls to the KBEngine.createCellEntity function.

An Entity can access it equivalent entities on the base and client applications via ENTITYCALL. This requires a set of remotely-invoked functions (specified in the entity's .def file)

Member function documentation

def accelerate( self, accelerateType, acceleration ):

Function description:

Accelerate the current movement of the entity.

The activities that can be accelerated include:



accelerateType string, the type of movement affected such as: "Movement", "Turn".
velocity float, acceleration per second, use negative to decelerate


The current speed of the affected entity.

def addYawRotator( self, targetYaw, velocity, userArg ):

Function description:

The control entity rotates around yaw. Entity.onTurn is called when the rotation completes.

To remove it, use Entity.cancelController with the controller ID or use Entity.cancelController("Movement") to remove it.




targetYaw float, the given target yaw radians.
velocity float, the arc per second when rotated.
userArg Optional integer that is common to all controllers. If this value is not 0, it is passed to the callback function. It is recommended to set the default value to 0 in the callback prototype.

def addProximity( self, rangeXZ, rangeY, userArg ):

Function description:

Create an area trigger that will notify the Entity when other entities enter or leave the trigger area. This area is a square (for efficiency).

If another entity is within a given distance on the x-axis and z-axis, it is considered to be within the range. This Entity is notified via the onEnterTrap and onLeaveTrap functions, which can be defined as follows:

	def onEnterTrap( self, entityEntering, rangeXZ, rangeY, controllerID, userArg = 0 ):
	def onLeaveTrap( self, entityLeaving, rangeXZ, rangeY, controllerID, userArg = 0 ):

Because the scope trigger is a controller, use Entity.cancelController with the controller ID to delete it.

It should be noted that the callback may be triggered immediately, even before the call to addProximity() returns.




rangeXZ float, the size of the xz axis area of the trigger, must be greater than or equal to zero.
rangeY float, the height of the y-axis of the trigger, must be greater than or equal to zero.
It should be noted that for this parameter to take effect kbengine_defaults.xml->cellapp->coordinate_system->rangemgr_y must be set to true.
Open y-axis management will increase CPU consumption, because some games have a large number of entities at the same y-axis height or all on the ground which is almost completely flat. Because of this, the collision becomes very dense.
3D space games or small room-type games are more suitable for this option.
userArg Optional integer that is common to all controllers. If this value is not 0, it is passed to the callback function. It is recommended to set the default value to 0 in the callback prototype.


The ID of the created controller.

def addTimer( self, start, interval=0.0, userData=0 ):

Function description:

Register a timer. The timer triggers the callback function onTimer The callback function will be executed the first time after "initialOffset" seconds, and then it will be executed once every "repeatOffset" seconds with the "userArg" parameter. (integer only)

The onTimer function must be defined in the cell part of the entity with two parameters. The first is an integer, the timer's ID (which can be used to remove the timer's "delTimer" function), and the second is the user parameter "userArg".

# Here is an example of using addTimer
import KBEngine
class MyCellEntity( KBEngine.Entity ):
    def __init__( self ):
        KBEngine.Entity.__init__( self )
        # Add a timer, perform the first time after 5 seconds, and execute once every 1 second. The user parameter is 9.
        self.addTimer( 5, 1, 9 )
        # Add a timer and execute it after 1 second. The default user parameter is 0.
        self.addTimer( 1 )
    # Entity timer callback "onTimer" is called
    def onTimer( self, id, userArg ):
        print "MyCellEntity.onTimer called: id %i, userArg: %i" % ( id, userArg )
        # if this is a repeated timer, when it is no longer needed, call the following function to remove it:
        #     self.delTimer( id )


initialOffset float, specifies the time interval (in seconds) for the timer to execute the first callback.
repeatOffset float, specifies the time interval (in seconds) between each callback after the first callback. The timer must be removed with the function delTimer, otherwise it will be repeated. Values less than or equal to 0 will be ignored.
userArg integer, specifies the value of the "userArg" parameter when calling "onTimer".


integer, returns the internal ID of the timer. This ID can be used to remove the timer using delTimer.

def cancelController( self, controllerID ):

Function description:

The function cancelController stops the effect of a controller on Entity. It can only be called on a real entity.


controllerID integer, the index of the controller to cancel. A special controller type string can also be used as its type. For example, only one mobile/navigation controller can be activated at a time. This can be cancelled with entity.cancelController( "Movement" ).

def clientEntity( self, destID ):

Function description:

This method can access the method of an entity in its own client (the current entity must be bound to the client). Only the entities in the View scope will be synchronized to the client. It can only be called on a real entity.


destID integer, the ID of the target entity.

def canNavigate( self ):

Function description:

This method determines whether the current entity can use the navigation (Entity.navigate) feature. It can only be called on a real entity.
Usually it can use navigation when the entity's Space uses KBENgine.addSpaceGeometryMapping to load valid navigation collision data (Navmesh or 2D tile data) and the entity is available in the effective navigation area.


bool, returns True if the entity can use the Navigate function in the current space, otherwise it returns False.

def debugView( self ):

Function description:

debugView outputs the Entity's View details to the cell's debug log. A description of the workings of the View system can be found in the Entity class documentation.

A sample of information is as follows:
  INFO cellapp [0x00001a1c] [2014-11-04 00:28:41,409] - Avatar::debugView: 100 size=4, Seen=4, Pending=0, ViewRadius=50.000, ViewHyst=5.000
  INFO cellapp [0x00001a1c] [2014-11-04 00:28:41,409] - Avatar::debugView: 100 Avatar(102), position(771.586.211.002.776.55), dist=0
  INFO cellapp [0x00001a1c] [2014-11-04 00:28:41,409] - Avatar::debugView: 100 Monster(1028), position(820.834.211.635.768.749), dist=49.8659
  INFO cellapp [0x00001a1c] [2014-11-04 00:28:41,409] - Avatar::debugView: 100 NPC(1025), position(784., dist=13.6915
  INFO cellapp [0x00001a1c] [2014-11-04 00:28:41,409] - Avatar::debugView: 100 Avatar(106), position(771.586.211.002.776.55), dist=0
The first line of information tells us:
  • It is entity #1000's data.
  • There are 4 entities in its View area and all have been synchronized to the client.
  • There are 0 entities in its view Area that are waiting to be synchronized to the client.
  • The radius of the View is 50.000
  • The lag area of the View extends 5.000 outward.

def delTimer( self, id ):

Function description:

The delTimer function is used to remove a registered timer. The removed timer is no longer executed. Single shot timers are automatically removed after the callback is executed, and it is not necessary to use the delTimer to remove it. If the delTimer function uses an invalid ID (for example, it has been removed), an error will be generated.


id integer, which specifies the timer ID to remove.

def destroy( self ):

Function description:

This function destroys its local Entity instance. If the entity has a ghost part on other processes, it will also notify for their destruction. This function is best called by the entity itself, and throws an exception if the entity is a ghost. If the callback function onDestroy() is implemented, it is executed.

def destroySpace( self ):

Function description:

Destroys the space this entity is in.

def entitiesInView( self ):

Function description:

Get a list of entities in the View scope of this entity.

def entitiesInRange( self, range, entityType=None, position=None ):

Function description:

Search for entities within a given distance. This is a spherical search. The distances of the three axes must be measured. This can find entities that are outside the View scope of this entity, but cannot find entities in other cells.

  self.entitiesInRange( 100, 'Creature', (100, 0, 100) )
Searches for a list of entities of type 'Creature' (an instantiated entity of a subclass of 'Creature'). The center point is (100, 0, 100) and the search radius is 100 meters.
  [ e for e in self.entitiesInRange( 100, None, (100,0,100) ) if isinstance( e, BaseType ) ]
Gives a list of entities instantiated from subclasses of 'BaseType'.


range Search distance around this entity, float type
entityType An optional string parameter, the entity's type name, used to match entities. If the entity type is a valid class name (valid entities are ones listed in /scripts/entities.xml) only this type of entity will be returned, otherwise all entities in this range will be returned.
position Optional Vector3 type parameter, which is the center of the search radius is centered on the entity itself by default.


A list of Entity objects in a given range.

def isReal( self ):

Function description:

This function returns whether the Entity is real or a ghost.

This function is rarely used but is useful for debugging.


bool, True if real, otherwise False.

def moveToEntity( self, destEntityID, velocity, distance, userData, faceMovement, moveVertically, offsetPos ):

Function description:

Moves the Entity straight to another Entity position.
Any Entity can only have one motion controller at any time. Repeatedly calling any move function will terminate the previous move controller.
This function will return a controller ID that can be used to cancel this move.

For example, Entity.cancelController( movementID ). You can also cancel the move using Entity.cancelController( "Movement" ). The callback function will not be called if the move is cancelled.

	def onMove( self, controllerID, userData ):
	def onMoveOver( self, controllerID, userData ):
	def onMoveFailure( self, controllerID, userData ):




destEntityID int, the ID of the target Entity
velocity float, speed of the Entity move, in m/s
distance float, distance target that when reached the entity will stop moving, if the value is 0, it moves to the target position.
userData object, optional parameter, when the callback function is invoked the userData parameter will be this value.
faceMovement bool, optional parameter, True if the entity faces the direction of the move. If it is other mechanism, it is False.
moveVertically bool, optional parameter, set to True to move in a straight line, set to False means to move in a straight line parallel to the ground.
offsetPos Vector3, optional parameter, Set a certain offset value, such as moving the target position to the left of the entity.


int, newly created controller ID.

def moveToPoint( self, destination, velocity, distance, userData, faceMovement, moveVertically ):

Function description:

Move the Entity to the given coordinate point in a straight line. The callback function is invoked on success or failure.
Any Entity can only have one motion controller at any time. Repeatedly calling any move function will terminate the previous move controller.
Returns a controller ID that can be used to cancel this move.

For example:
Entity.cancelController( movementID ). You can also cancel the move with Entity.cancelController( "Movement" ). The callback function will not be called if the move is cancelled.

The callback function is defined as follows:
	def onMove( self, controllerID, userData ):
	def onMoveOver( self, controllerID, userData ):
	def onMoveFailure( self, controllerID, userData ):




destination Vector3, the target point to which the Entity is to be moved
velocity float, Entity's moving speed, in m/s
distance float, distance target that when reached the entity will stop moving, if the value is 0, it moves to the target position.
userData object, data passed to the callback function
faceMovement bool, True if the entity faces the direction of the move. If it is other mechanism, it is false.
moveVertically bool, set to True to move in a straight line, set to False means to move in a straight line parallel to the ground.


int, newly created controller ID.

def getViewRadius( self ):

Function description:

This function returns the current View radius value of this Entity.

Data can be set via Entity.setViewRadius( radius, hyst ).


float, View radius

def getViewHystArea( self ):

Function description:

This function returns the current lag area value of this Entity View.

Data can be set via Entity.setViewRadius( radius, hyst ).


float, The current lag area value of this Entity's View.

def getRandomPoints( self, centerPos, maxRadius, maxPoints, layer ):

Function description:

This function is used to get an array of random coordinate point that Entity.navigate can reach in a certain area centered on a certain coordinate point.


centerPos Vector3, Entity center coordinates
maxRadius float, the maximum search radius
maxPoints uint32, the maximimum number of random coordinate points returned.
layer int8, layer of navmesh to search.


tuple, an array of one or more coordinates.

def navigate( self, destination, velocity, distance, maxMoveDistance, maxSearchDistance, faceMovement, layer, userData ):

Function description:

Use the navigation system to move this Entity to a target point. A callback will be invoked on success or failure.
KBEngine can have several pre-generated navigation meshes with different mesh sizes (leading to different navigation paths).
Any Entity can only have one motion controller at any time. Repeatedly calling any move function will terminate the previous move controller.
Returns a controller ID that can be used to cancel this move.

For example:
Entity.cancelController( movementID ). You can also cancel the movement controller with Entity.cancelController( "Movement" ). The callback function will not be called if the move is cancelled.

The callback functions are defined as follows:
	def onMove( self, controllerID, userData ):
	def onMoveOver( self, controllerID, userData ):
	def onMoveFailure( self, controllerID, userData ):




destination Vector3, the target point where the Entity moves.
velocity float, Entity's move speed, in m/s
distance float, distance target that when reached the entity will stop moving, if the value is 0, it moves to the target position.
maxMoveDistance float, the maximum move distance
maxSearchDistance float, the maximum search distance from the navigatio ndata.
faceMovement bool, True if the entity faces the direction of the move (default). Otherwise False.
layer int8, navmesh layer to search
userData object, the data passed to the callback function


int, the newly created controller ID.

def navigatePathPoints( self, destination, maxSearchDistance, layer ):

Function description:

This functions returns a list of path points from the current Entity location to the destination.


destination Vector3, target point where the Entity moves
maxSearchDistance float, the maximum search distance
layer int8, navmesh layer to search for a path on.

def setViewRadius( self, radius, hyst=5 ):

Function description:

Specifies the size of the Entity's View.

This function can only be used by Witness related entities.

Note: You can set the default View radius by setting the kbengine.xml configuration option 'cellapp/defaultViewRadius'.

Data can be obtained with Entity.getViewRadius( ) and Entity.getViewHystArea( ).


radius float, specifies the radius of the View area
hyst float, specifies the size of the lag area of the View. A reasonable setting of the lag area will reduce the sensitivity of View collisions and reduce CPU consumption. Views where one entity enters another entity must span the View radius area, but entities that leave the View area need to move out of the View radius area including the lag area.



def teleport( self, nearbyMBRef, position, direction ):

Function description:

Instantly move an Entity to a specified space. This function allows you to specify the position and orientation of the entity after is has been moved.
If you need to jump in different spaces (usually for different scene or room jumps), you can pass a CellEntityCall to this function (the entity corresponding to the entityCall must be in the destination Space).

This function can only be called on real entities.


nearbyMBRef A CellEntityCall (the entity corresponding to this entityCall must be in the destination Space ) that determines which Space an Entity is to jump to. It is considered to be the transfer destination. This can be set to None, in which case it will teleport on the current cell.
position A sequence of 3 floats (x, y, z), the coordinates of where to teleport the Entity .
direction A sequence of 3 floats (roll, pitch, yaw), the orientation of the Entity after teleportation.

def writeToDB( self, shouldAutoLoad, dbInterfaceName ):

Function description:

This function saves the data related to this entity to the database, including the data of the base entity. The onWriteToDB function of the base entity is called before the data is passed to the database.

The data of the cell entity is also backed up in the base entity to ensure that the data is up-to-date when crash recovery data is encountered

This function can only be called on real entities, and the entity must exist in the base section.


shouldAutoLoad bool, optional parameter, specifies whether this entity needs to be loaded from the database when the service starts.
Note: The entity is automatically loaded when the server starts. The default is to call createEntityAnywhereFromDBID to create an entity to a minimally loaded baseapp. The entire process will be completed before the first started baseapp calls onBaseAppReady.

The script layer can reimplement the entity creation method in a customized script (kbengine_defaults.xml->baseapp->entryScriptFile definition), for example:
def onAutoLoadEntityCreate(entityType, dbid):
      KBEngine.createEntityFromDBID(entityType, dbid)
dbInterfaceName string, optional parameter, specified by a database interface, uses the interface name "default" by default. The database interface is defined in kbengine_defaults.xml->dbmgr->databaseInterfaces.

Callback functions documentation

def onDestroy( self ):

If this function is implemented in a script, it is called after Entity.destroy() destroys this entity. This function has no parameters.

def onEnterTrap( self, entity, rangeXZ, rangeY, controllerID, userArg ):

When a scope trigger is registered using Entity.addProximity and another entity enters the trigger, this callback function is called.


entity Entity that has entered the area
rangeXZ float, the size of the xz axis of the trigger, must be greater than or equal to zero.
rangeY float, the size of the y-axis height of the trigger, must be greater than or equal to zero.
It should be noted that for this parameter to take effect you must enable kbengine_defaults.xml->cellapp->coordinate_system->rangemgr_y
Opening y-axis management will increase CPU consumption, because some games have a large number of entities at the same y-axis height or on the ground at nearly the same height. Because of this, the collision becomes very dense.
3D space games or small room-type games are more suitable for enabling this option.
controllerID The controller id of this trigger.
userArg The value of the parameter given by the user when calling addProximity, the user can decide how to use this parameter.

def onEnteredView( self, entity ):

If this function is implemented in a script, when an entity enters the View scope of the current entity, this callback is triggered.


entity  The entity which has entered the View scope.

def onGetWitness( self ):

If this function is implemented in a script, it is called when the entity has a Witness bound to it.
You can also access the entity property Entity.hasWitness to get the current state of the entity.

def onLeaveTrap( self, entity, rangeXZ, rangeY, controllerID, userArg ):

If this function is implemented in a script, it is triggered when an entity leaves the trigger area registered by the current entity. The scope trigger is registered with Entity.addProximity.


entity The entity that has left the trigger area.
rangeXZ float, the size of the xz axis of the trigger, must be greater than or equal to zero.
rangeY float, the size of the y-axis height of the trigger, must be greater than or equal to zero.
It should be noted that for this parameter to take effect you must enable kbengine_defaults.xml->cellapp->coordinate_system->rangemgr_y
Opening y-axis management will increase CPU consumption, because some games have a large number of entities at the same y-axis height or on the ground at nearly the same height. Because of this, the collision becomes very dense.
3D space games or small room-type games are more suitable for enabling this option.
controllerID  The controller ID of this trigger.
userArg The value of the parameter given by the user when calling addProximity, the user can decide how to use this parameter.

def onLoseControlledBy( self, id ):

If this function is implemented in a script, this callback is triggered when this entity loses the Entity.controlledBy entity.


id  ID of the controlledBy entity.

def onLoseWitness( self ):

If this function is implemented in a script, the callback is triggered whe this entity loses a Witness.
You can also access that Entity.hasWitness property to get the current state.

def onMove( self, controllerID, userData ):

If this function is implemented in the script, the callback is invoked each frame when moved after a call to Entity.moveToPoint, Entity.moveToEntity, or Entity.navigate.


controllerID  The controller ID associated with the move.
userData  The parameter given by the user when requesting to move the entity.

def onMoveOver( self, controllerID, userData ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it is invoked after a call to Entity.moveToPoint, Entity.moveToEntity, or Entity.navigate when this entity reaches the target point.


controllerID  The controller ID associated with the move.
userData  This parameter value is given by the user when requesting to move an entity.

def onMoveFailure( self, controllerID, userData ):

If this function is implemented in the script, this callback is invoked after a call to Entity.moveToPoint, Entity.moveToEntity, or Entity.navigate if the movement has failed.


controllerID  The controller ID associated with the move.
userData  This parameter value is given by the user when requesting to move an entity.

def onRestore( self ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it is invoked when the Cell application crashes and recreates the entity on another cellapp. This function has no arguments.

def onSpaceGone( self ):

If this callback function is implemented in the script, it will be called when the current entity's Space is destroyed. This function has no parameters.

def onTurn( self, controllerID, userData ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it will be called after reaching the specified yaw. (related to Entity.addYawRotator)


controllerID  The controller ID returned by Entity.addYawRotator.
userData  This parameter value is given by user when requesting to move an entity.

def onTeleport( self ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it will be called at the moment before the (Real) entity is transmitted in the entity transfer that occurs through the baseapp's Entity.teleport call.
Note: Calling teleport on the entity's cell section does not trigger this callback, if you need this feature please invoke this callback after a call to Entity.teleport.

def onTeleportFailure( self ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it will be called after a call to Entity.teleport if the teleport has failed.

def onTeleportSuccess( self, nearbyEntity ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it is invoked after a succesful call to Entity.teleport


nearbyEntity  This parameter is given by the user when calling Entity.teleport. This is a real entity.

def onTimer( self, timerHandle, userData ):

Function description:

This function is called when a timer associated with this entity is triggered. A timer can be added using the Entity.addTimer function.


timerHandle The ID of the timer.
userData integer, given by the user when calling Entity.addTimer.

def onUpdateBegin( self ):

Invoked when a synchronization frame begins.

def onUpdateEnd( self ):

Invoked after a synchronization frame has completed.

def onWitnessed( self, isWitnessed ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it is called when this entity enters the View area of another entity bound to a Witness (also can be understood as when this entity is observed by a client). This function can be used to activate the entity's AI when it is observed, and stopping AI execution when the entity ceases to be observed, thus reducing CPU consumption of the server to increase efficiency.


isWitnessed  bool, True if the entity is observed and False when the entity is not observed.
You can also access the entity property Entity.isWitnessed to get the current state of the entity.

def onWriteToDB( self ):

If this callback function is implemented in a script, it is called when the entity is about to be archived into the database.

Attributes documentation


By calling the entity's remote client methods through this attribute, the engine broadcasts the message to all other entities bound to a client that are within this entity's View area (including its own client, and the entity bound to the client is usually the player)

Avatar has player A, player B, and monster C in the View range.
avatar.allClients.attack(monsterID��skillID, damage)

At this point, the player himself, player A's, and player B's clients will all call the entity's attack method, and their client can invoke the specified skill's attack action to perform.

Other references:



base is the entityCall used to contact the base Entity. This attribute is read-only and is None if the entity has no associated base Entity.

Other references:





The class name of the entity.


Read-only, string


client is the entityCall used to contact associated client. This attribute is read-only, and is None if this entity does not have an associated client.

Other references:





If this attribute is set to the BaseEntityCall of the server-side entity associated with a client, this entity is controlled by the corresponding client to move. If the attribute is None, the entity is moved by the server. When the client logs in and calls giveClientTo on this entity, this attribute is automatically set to its own BaseEntityCall.
Scripts can flexibly control the movement of the entity by the server or by the client (its own client or give control to other clients).

Other references:





This attribute describes the orientation of the Entity in world space. Users can change this attribute and the data will be synchronized to the client.
Example: self.direction.y = 1.0 self.direction.z = 1.0


Vector3, which contains (roll, pitch, yaw) in radians.


If this read-only attribute is True, it means that the entity has already bound a Witness. If the entity is bound to Witness, the client can obtain information from the entity's view scope. Otherwise, False.


Read-only, bool


id is the id of the Entity object. This id is an integer that is the same between base, cell, and client associated entities. This attribute is read-only.


Read-only, int32


If this attribute is True, this Entity has already been destroyed.


Read-only, bool


If the value of this attribute is True, the Entity is on the ground, otherwise it is False.


Read-only, bool


If the current entity is in the View scope of another entity bound to Witness (can also be understood as an entity observed by a client), this property is True, otherwise it is False.

Other references:


Read-only, bool


A space can load multiple navmesh data at the same time. Different navmesh can be in different layers. Different layers can be abstracted into the ground, the water surface, and so on. This attribute determines which layer an entity exists in.





By calling the entity's remote client methods through this property, the engine broadcasts the message to all other entities bound to the cliend within this entity's View scope (Not including its own client. The entity bound to the client is usually the player.).

avatar has player A, player B, and monster C in the View range.
avatar.otherClients.attack(monsterID, skillID, damage)

At this point, player A's and player B's client will call the entity attack method, and their client can invoke the specified skill's attack action to perform.

Other references:



The coordinates of this entity in world space (x, y, z). This attribute can be changed by the user and will be synchronized to the client after the change. It is important to note that this attribute should not be referenced. Referencing this attribute is likely to incorrectly modify the real coordinates of the entity.

self.position.y = 10.0

If you want to copy this attribute value you can do the following:
	import Math
	self.copyPosition = Math.Vector3( self.position )




This attribute is the ID of the space in which the entity is located. The cell and client ids are the same.


Read-only, Integer


The maximum xz movement speed of the entity (m/s). This attribute is usually larger than the actualy movement speed. The server checks the client's movement legality through this attribute. If the movement distance excedes the speed limit, it is forced back to the previous position.

Other references:





The maximum y-axis movement speed of the entity (m/s). This attribute is usually larger than the actualy movement speed. The server checks the client's movement legality through this attribute. If the movement distance excedes the speed limit, it is forced back to the previous position.

Other references:





This attribute specifies the Entity's volatile data synchronization policy.
Volatile data includes the coordinate position of the entity and the orientation of the entity. Since volatile data is easily changed, the engine uses a set of optimized solutions to synchronize it to the client.
This attribute is four floats (position, yaw, pitch, roll) that represents the distance value, and the server synchronizes the relevant data to it when an entity reaches a close distance. If the distance value is larger than the View radius, it means that it is always synchronized

There is also a special bool attribute that is optimized. Its role is to control whether or not the server is optimized for synchronization. The current main optimization is the Y axis.
If true, the server does not synchronize the y-axis coordinates of the entity when some actions (e.g., navigate) cause the server to determine the entity is on the ground. This can save a lot of bandwidth when synchronizing a large number of entities. The default is true.

Users can also set the synchronization policies for different entities in .def:
    <position/>           <!-- always synchronize -->
    <yaw/>                <!-- always synchronize -->
    <pitch>20</pitch>     <!-- synchronize within 20m or less -->
    <optimized> true </optimized>   
</Volatile>               <!-- roll is always synchronized if not specified  -->


sequence, four floats (float, float, float, float)