Renderer Methods

KB01 Engine


Renderer Methods

The Renderer type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ~Renderer
Public method Cleanup
Cleanups this instance.
Public method ClearBuffer
Clears the buffer.
Public method DrawPrimitive
Draws the primitive.
Public method DrawSubset
Draws the subset.
Public method GetBackBuffer
Gets the back buffer.
Public method GetBackBufferWidth
Gets the width of the back buffer.
Public method GetBackBuffferHeight
Gets the height of the back bufffer.
Public method GetDevice
Gets the device.
Public method GetHWND
Gets the HWND.
Public method GetVertexBuffer
Gets the vertex buffer.
Public method InitDevice
Initializes the device.
Public method InitVertexBuffer
Initializes the vertex buffer.
Public method LoadMeshFromFile
Load the mesh from the specified file in the parent folder.
Public method Present
Used to present the backbuffer to the frontbuffer for the device.
Public method SetMaterial
Sets the material.
Public method SetStreamSource
Sets the stream source.
Public method SetTexture
Sets the texture.
Public method SetViewPort
Sets the view port.