Response Class


Response Class

Represents a http response made by IronWebScraper
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  IronWebScraperResponse

Namespace:  IronWebScraper
Assembly:  IronWebScraper (in IronWebScraper.dll) Version: (
public class Response
Public Class Response

The Response type exposes the following members.

Public methodResponse
Initializes a new instance of the Response class
Public propertyBinaryContent
The content downloaded from the Url as raw binary data
Public propertyDocument
Returns an HtmlNode for the entire Response Document. (HTML/XML)
Public propertyHtml
Synonym of content which checks for an Html content
Public propertyMetaData
Returns additional meta-data which was attached to the Request.
Public propertyRequestlUrl
The Url from which the Response was requested. This may differ from FinalUrl if these was an http redirect.
Public propertyTextContent
The content downloaded from the Url encoded as a String.
Public propertyWasSuccessful
Gets a value indicating whether this HTTP request yielded a successful response code.
Public methodCss
Uses CSS selectors to find all matching nodes within the Response Document. This works in the same way as $('.ClassName') in jQuery or querySelectorAll() in JavaScript.
Public methodCssExists
Uses CSS selectors to find if there are any matching nodes within the Response Document. This works in the same way as $('.ClassName').length > 0 in jQuery or querySelectorAll().length >0 in JavaScript.
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetElementById
Synonym of JavaScript's getElementById function. Searches inside the response as an HTML or XML Document by ID attribute.
Public methodGetElementsByTagName
Synonym of JavaScript's getElementById function. Searches inside the response as an HTML or XML Document by tag-name such as "a" or "img".
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQuerySelector
Synonym of JavaScript's querySelector function. Searches inside the Response document as an HTML or XML Document using CSS selectors.
Public methodQuerySelectorAll
Synonym of JavaScript's querySelectorAll function. Searches inside the response document as an HTML or XML Document using CSS selectors.
Public methodToAbsoluteUrl(IEnumerableString)
Makes any relative url strings absolute relative to this Response Document.
Public methodToAbsoluteUrl(String)
Makes a relative url strings absolute relative to this Response Document.
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodXPath
Searches inside the response as an HTML / XML Document using an XPath expression.
Public fieldCharSet
Name of the charset used to encode the web resource. When reading TextConent, the result has already been decoded to C# default encoding (utf-8) on your behalf.
Public fieldCretaedFromWebCache
True if the Response was created from a cached version of the Url rather than from live data. See WebScraper.EnableWebCache() method, which is can be called from within the WebScraper.Init() method.
Public fieldFinalUrl
The Url from which the Response was returned. This may differ from RequestlUrl if these was an http redirect.
Public fieldMimeType
The MIME type of the Response content. E.g: "text/html"
Public fieldRequest
The Request from which the Response was created.
Public fieldStatusCode
The http status code given by the url which as 200 or 404. 0 is returned in case the server is uncontactable.
See Also