15. PlatformAdaptionLayer


15. PlatformAdaptionLayer

This class abstracts system operations used by the DLR that could possibly be platform specific. Hosts can derive from this class and implement operations, such as opening a file. For example, the Silverlight PAL could go to the server to fetch a file.

To use a custom PAL, you derive from this type and implement the members important to you. You also need to derive a custom ScriptHost that returns the custom PAL instance. Then when you create your ScriptRuntime, you explicitly create a ScriptRuntimeSetup and set the HostType property to your custome ScriptHost.

PlatformAdaptionLayer Summary:

public class PlatformAdaptationLayer {
    public static readonly PlatformAdaptationLayer Default;

    public virtual Assembly LoadAssembly(string name);
    public virtual Assembly LoadAssemblyFromPath(string path);

    public virtual void TerminateScriptExecution(int exitCode);

    public StringComparer PathComparer { get; }
    public virtual bool FileExists(string path);
    public virtual bool DirectoryExists(string path);
    public virtual Stream OpenInputFileStream(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share);
    public virtual Stream OpenInputFileStream(string path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, int bufferSize);
    public virtual Stream OpenInputFileStream(string path);
    public virtual Stream OpenOutputFileStream(string path);
    public virtual string[] GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern);
    public virtual string GetFullPath(string path);

15.1. PlatformAdaptionLayer Members

Usually you do not create instances of the base PlatformAdaptionLayer class. Instead you subclass it and provide your derived type via the ScriptHost for a ScriptRuntime.