[Setup] section
This section contains global settings used by the installer and uninstaller. Certain directives are required for any installation you create. Here is an example of a [Setup] section:
[Setup] AppName=My Program AppVersion=1.5 DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program DefaultGroupName=My Program
By default, any leading or trailing whitespace in a directive's value will be stripped. It is possible to avoid this by surrounding the directive's value in double quotes (").
The following directives can be placed in the [Setup] section:
(bold = required)
- Compression
- CompressionThreads
- DiskClusterSize
- DiskSliceSize
- DiskSpanning
- Encryption
- InternalCompressLevel
- LZMAAlgorithm
- LZMABlockSize
- LZMADictionarySize
- LZMAMatchFinder
- LZMANumBlockThreads
- LZMANumFastBytes
- LZMAUseSeparateProcess
- MergeDuplicateFiles
- Output
- OutputBaseFilename
- OutputDir
- OutputManifestFile
- ReserveBytes
- SignedUninstaller
- SignedUninstallerDir
- SignTool
- SignToolRetryCount
- SlicesPerDisk
- SolidCompression
- SourceDir
- TerminalServicesAware
- UseSetupLdr
- VersionInfoCompany
- VersionInfoCopyright
- VersionInfoDescription
- VersionInfoProductName
- VersionInfoProductTextVersion
- VersionInfoProductVersion
- VersionInfoTextVersion
- VersionInfoVersion
Functional: These directives affect the operation of the Setup program, or are saved and used later by the uninstaller.
- AllowCancelDuringInstall
- AllowNetworkDrive
- AllowNoIcons
- AllowRootDirectory
- AllowUNCPath
- AlwaysRestart
- AlwaysShowComponentsList
- AlwaysShowDirOnReadyPage
- AlwaysShowGroupOnReadyPage
- AlwaysUsePersonalGroup
- AppendDefaultDirName
- AppendDefaultGroupName
- AppComments
- AppContact
- AppId
- AppModifyPath
- AppMutex
- AppName
- AppPublisher
- AppPublisherURL
- AppReadmeFile
- AppSupportPhone
- AppSupportURL
- AppUpdatesURL
- AppVerName
- AppVersion
- ArchitecturesAllowed
- ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode
- ChangesAssociations
- ChangesEnvironment
- CloseApplications
- CloseApplicationsFilter
- CreateAppDir
- CreateUninstallRegKey
- DefaultDialogFontName
- DefaultDirName
- DefaultGroupName
- DefaultUserInfoName
- DefaultUserInfoOrg
- DefaultUserInfoSerial
- DirExistsWarning
- DisableDirPage
- DisableFinishedPage
- DisableProgramGroupPage
- DisableReadyMemo
- DisableReadyPage
- DisableStartupPrompt
- DisableWelcomePage
- EnableDirDoesntExistWarning
- ExtraDiskSpaceRequired
- InfoAfterFile
- InfoBeforeFile
- LanguageDetectionMethod
- LicenseFile
- MinVersion
- OnlyBelowVersion
- Password
- PrivilegesRequired
- RestartApplications
- RestartIfNeededByRun
- SetupLogging
- SetupMutex
- ShowLanguageDialog
- ShowUndisplayableLanguages
- TimeStampRounding
- TimeStampsInUTC
- TouchDate
- TouchTime
- Uninstallable
- UninstallDisplayIcon
- UninstallDisplayName
- UninstallDisplaySize
- UninstallFilesDir
- UninstallLogMode
- UninstallRestartComputer
- UpdateUninstallLogAppName
- UsePreviousAppDir
- UsePreviousGroup
- UsePreviousLanguage
- UsePreviousSetupType
- UsePreviousTasks
- UsePreviousUserInfo
- UserInfoPage
Cosmetic: These directives only affect the appearance of the Setup program.
- AppCopyright
- BackColor
- BackColor2
- BackColorDirection
- BackSolid
- FlatComponentsList
- SetupIconFile
- ShowComponentSizes
- ShowTasksTreeLines
- WindowShowCaption
- WindowStartMaximized
- WindowResizable
- WindowVisible
- WizardImageBackColor
- WizardImageFile
- WizardImageStretch
- WizardSmallImageFile
These directives are obsolete and should not be used in any new scripts.