Adobe InCopy CS5.5 (7.5) Object Model JS: ThumbsPerPage

InCopy CS5.5

 Options for the number of thumbnails per page.


ThumbsPerPage.K1X2Fits one row on the page; the row contains two thumbnails.1949399090 = 't1x2'
ThumbsPerPage.K2X2Fits two rows of two.1949464626 = 't2x2'
ThumbsPerPage.K3X3Fits three rows of three.1949530163 = 't3x3'
ThumbsPerPage.K4X4Fits four rows of four.1949595700 = 't4x4'
ThumbsPerPage.K5X5Fits five rows of five.1949661237 = 't5x5'
ThumbsPerPage.K6X6Fits six rows of six.1949726774 = 't6x6'
ThumbsPerPage.K7X7Fits seven rows of seven.1949792311 = 't7x7'


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