Adobe Illustrator CS4 Type Library JS: PrintOptions

Illustrator CS4



 The print options.


PPDNamestring r/wThe name of the PPD to use.
colorManagementOptionsPrintCMOptions r/wThe printing color management options.
colorSeparationOptionsPrintCSOptions r/wThe printing color separation options.
coordinateOptionsPrintCoordOptions r/wThe printing coordinate options.
flattenerOptionsPrintFLOptions r/wThe printing flattener options.
flattenerPresetstring r/wThe transparency flattener preset name.
fontOptionsPrintFontOptions r/wThe printing font options.
jobOptionsPrintJobOptions r/wThe printing job options.
pageMarksOptionsPrintPMOptions r/wThe printing page marks options.
paperOptionsPrintPaperOptions r/wThe paper options.
postScriptOptionsPrintPSOptions r/wThe printing PostScript options.
printPresetstring r/wThe name of a print preset to use.
printerNamestring r/wThe name of the printer to print to.

Used in:

void Document.print ([options: PrintOptions])

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