
IUP - Portable User Interface


Executes the user interaction until a callback returns IUP_CLOSE or there are no visible dialogs.


int IupMainLoop(void); [in C]
iup.MainLoop() -> ret: number [in Lua]

Returns IUP_NOERROR always.


When this function is called, it will interrupt the program execution until a callback returns IUP_CLOSE or there are no visible dialogs.

A second call to IupMainLoop will have a platform-dependent behavior. In the Motif driver can be called several times but a IUP_CLOSE must occur for each call. In the Win32 driver one IUP_CLOSE will end all calls. If there are no visible dialogs all calls will end in both drivers.

If you want to maintain the loop working even when threre is no visible dialogs, use the global attribute LOCKLOOP.

See Also

IupOpen, IupClose, IupLoopStep, Guide/System Control, IDLE_ACTION, LOCKLOOP.