
IUP - Portable User Interface


Inserts an interface element at the end of the container. Valid for hbox, vbox, zbox or menu.


Ihandle* IupAppend(Ihandle *box, Ihandle *element); [in C]
IupAppend(box, element: iuplua_tag) -> (box: iuplua_tag) [in IupLua3]
iup.Append(box, element: iuplua_tag) -> (box: iuplua_tag) [in IupLua5]

box: Identifier of an hbox, vbox, zbox or menu.
element: Identifier of the element to be inserted in the box.

This function returns box if the interface element was successfully inserted. Otherwise, NULL (nil in Lua) is returned.


This function can be used when the interface elements that will compose an hbox, vbox, zbox or menu are not known a priori and should be dynamically constructed.

ATTENTION: Currently, this function only works before the element is mapped, i.e. before calling IupMap, IupShow, IupShowXY or IupPopup.

See Also

IupDetach, IupHbox, IupVbox, IupZbox, IupMenu.