Backing up the IPFX Server

IPFX Backup Utility

Backing up the IPFX Server

Note: Whenever possible, stop the IPFX Server before performing backups.

To perform a backup:

  1. Log into the IPFX Server and run the file \VMLOCAL\Utils\PSBackup.exe.
  2. The PSbackup utility window appears:

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    Enter the following settings as required:

    • Backup Destination: The folder in which the backup file will be placed.
    • Low Water Mark: The minimum amount of disk space required at the backup location before the a backup can be created. If the backup destination volume has less than this amount of free disk space, no backup will be performed.
    • Keep Old Backups: The number of the concurrent backup zip files to be retained. As this number is exceeded the oldest backup file will be deleted.
    • Notification E-mail Address: The e-mail address to where all notifications of success or failure are sent.
    • Default SMTP Address: The e-mail address that will appear in the From header of the notification e-mail.
    • SMTP Server: The IP address of the SMTP server used to the notification e-mail messages.
    • E-mail on Success / Email on Failure: Selects whether e-mail is sent on the success and/or failure of the backup.
    • Temporary Folder: The location of the folder used to hold temporary files created during the backup process.
    • VM Folder: The location of the IPFX Server's VM folder (defaults to local installation location).
    • VMLOCAL Folder: The location of the IPFX Server's VMLocal folder (defaults to local installation location).
    • SQL Datasource: The SQL data source of your organisation's IPFX database, in the form IPFX Server name\Catalog.
    • SQL Catalog: The Catalog name of your organization's IPFX Server database.
    • Restore to drive: The volums on which the backup file is to be restored.
    • When restoring register application files: Determines whether executable components are registered on restoration.
    • Path to PSregserver.exe: The location where PSregserver resides.
  3. Click the Paths tab to select the files and folders to be backed up:

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    Default locations are pre-configured. If you wish to add additional files or folders to the backup, select these using the Add File and Add Folder buttons respectively.

    By default, a selected folder and all its files (but not subfolders) are backed up. To change this behaviour on a per-folder basis, click on the folder in the Paths list. Check the Include Subfolders option to back up all of a folder's subfolders, and enter a wildcard pattern in the File Pattern field to back up only filenames matching the specified pattern.

  4. Click the Databases tab to select the databases to back up:

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    The list of database catalogs displayed is determined by the SQL Datasource field on the Settings tab.

    Check the catalogs that you wish to back up.

  5. Click Backup to begin the backup process. While the backup is being created, a progress bar appears:

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  6. The following dialog appears when the backup is complete:

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