IMediaObjectImpl Members


An NDoc Documented Class Library

IMediaObjectImpl Members

IMediaObjectImpl overview

Protected Static Fields

E_INVALIDARGCOM return code indicating invalid argument specified
E_NOTIMPLCOM return code indicating method not supported
E_POINTERCOM return code indicating invalid pointer provided
E_UNEXPECTEDCOM return code indicating a method called at an unexpected time
S_FALSECOM return code indicating partial success
S_OKCOM return code indicating success

Protected Static Methods

MoCloneMediaType Make a clone of a media type
TypesMatch Check to see if two Media Types are exactly the same

Public Instance Methods

AddEnvelope COM entry point for IMediaParams.AddEnvelope
AllocateStreamingResources COM entry point for IMediaObject.AllocateStreamingResources
Discontinuity COM entry point for IMediaObject.Discontinuity
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
Flush COM entry point for IMediaObject.Flush
FlushEnvelope COM entry point for IMediaParams.FlushEnvelope
FreeStreamingResources COM entry point for IMediaObject.FreeStreamingResources
GetCurrentTimeFormat COM entry point for IMediaParamInfo.GetCurrentTimeFormat
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetInputCurrentType COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetInputCurrentType
GetInputMaxLatency COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetInputMaxLatency
GetInputSizeInfo COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetInputSizeInfo
GetInputStatus COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetInputStatus
GetInputStreamInfo COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetInputStreamInfo
GetInputType COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetInputType
GetNumTimeFormats COM entry point for IMediaParamInfo.GetNumTimeFormats
GetOutputCurrentType COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetOutputCurrentType
GetOutputSizeInfo COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetOutputSizeInfo
GetOutputStreamInfo COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetOutputStreamInfo
GetOutputType COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetOutputType
GetParam COM entry point for IMediaParams.GetParam
GetParamCount COM entry point for IMediaParamInfo.GetParamCount
GetParamInfo COM entry point for IMediaParamInfo.GetParamInfo
GetParamText COM entry point for IMediaParamInfo.GetParamText
GetStreamCount COM entry point for IMediaObject.GetStreamCount
GetSupportedTimeFormat COM entry point for IMediaParamInfo.GetSupportedTimeFormat
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
Lock COM entry point for IMediaObject.Lock
ProcessInput COM entry point for IMediaObject.ProcessInput
ProcessOutput COM entry point for IMediaObject.ProcessOutput
SetInputMaxLatency COM entry point for IMediaObject.SetInputMaxLatency
SetInputType COM entry point for IMediaObject.SetInputType
SetOutputType COM entry point for IMediaObject.SetOutputType
SetParam COM entry point for IMediaParams.SetParam
SetTimeFormat COM entry point for IMediaParams.SetTimeFormat
ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Constructors

Protected Instance Methods

InputType Get the AMMediaType for the specified Input stream
InputTypeSet Check whether the media type is set for the specified input stream
InternalAcceptingInput (Abstract) Report whether more input buffers can be accepted
InternalAllocateStreamingResources (Virtual) Allows stream resources to be allocated
InternalCheckInputType (Abstract) Determine whether the input stream supports a specific media type
InternalCheckOutputType (Abstract) Determine whether the output stream supports a specific media type
InternalDiscontinuity (Virtual) Called to notify of a stream discontinuity
InternalFlush (Abstract) Called to flush all pending processing
InternalFreeStreamingResources (Virtual) Allows stream resources to be released
InternalGetCurrentTime (Virtual) Returns the current time in the media stream
InternalGetInputMaxLatency (Virtual) Retrieves the maximum latency on a specified input stream
InternalGetInputSizeInfo (Virtual) Retrieves the buffer requirements for a specified input stream
InternalGetInputStreamInfo (Virtual) Controls information about how input buffers are formatted
InternalGetInputType (Virtual) Retrieves a preferred media type for a specified input stream
InternalGetOutputSizeInfo (Abstract) Determine the requirements for the output stream
InternalGetOutputStreamInfo (Virtual) Controls information about how output buffers are formatted
InternalGetOutputType (Virtual) Retrieves a preferred media type for a specified output stream
InternalProcessInput (Abstract) Accept input buffers to be processed
InternalProcessOutput (Abstract) Process the input buffers from a previous call to InternalProcessInput into the provided output buffers
InternalSetInputMaxLatency (Virtual) Set the maximum latency on a specified input stream
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
OutputType Get the AMMediaType for the specified Output stream
OutputTypeSet Check whether the media type is set for the specified output stream
ParamCalcValueForTime Given a parameter number and a time, return the parameter value at that time.
ParamDefine Create a definition for a parameter that is accessible thru IMediaParamInfo and IMediaParams.

See Also

IMediaObjectImpl Class | MediaObjectTemplate Namespace