IM: im_dib.h Source File

IM - An Imaging Tool


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00001 /** \file
00002  * \brief Windows DIB (Device Independent Bitmap)
00003  *
00004  * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h
00005  */
00007 #ifndef __IM_DIB_H
00008 #define __IM_DIB_H
00010 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00011 extern "C" {
00012 #endif
00015 /** \defgroup dib Windows DIB
00016  *
00017  * \par
00018  * Windows DIBs in memory are handled just like a BMP file without the file header. \n
00019  * These functions will work only in Windows. They are usefull for interchanging data 
00020  * with the clipboard, with capture drivers, with the AVI and WMF file formats and others.
00021  * \par
00022  * Supported DIB aspects:
00023  * \li bpp must be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32.
00024  * \li BITMAPV4HEADER or BITMAPV5HEADER are handled but ignored. \n
00025  * \li BITMAPCOREHEADER is not handled .
00026  * \li BI_JPEG and BI_PNG compressions are not handled. 
00027  * \li biHeight can be negative, compression can be RLE only if created
00028  *   from imDibCreateReference, imDibPasteClipboard, imDibLoadFile. 
00029  * \li can not encode/decode Images to/from RLE compressed Dibs. 
00030  * \li if working with RLE Dibs bits_size is greatter than used. 
00031  * \li the resolution of a new Dib is taken from the screen. 
00032  * \li SetDIBitsToDevice(start_scan is 0, scan_lines is dib->bmih->biHeight).  
00033  * \li StretchDIBits(use always DIB_RGB_COLORS). 
00034  * \li CreateDIBPatternBrushPt(packed_dib is dib->dib). 
00035  * \par
00036  * Must include <windows.h> before using these functions. \n 
00037  * Check <wingdi.h> for structures and definitions. 
00038  * \par
00039  * See \ref im_dib.h
00040  * \ingroup util */
00043 /** \brief Windows DIB Structure
00044  *
00045  * \par
00046  * Handles a DIB in memory. \n
00047  * The DIB is stored in only one buffer.
00048  * The secondary members are pointers to the main buffer.
00049  * \ingroup dib */
00050 typedef struct _imDib 
00051 {
00052   HGLOBAL           handle;        /**< The windows memory handle */
00053   BYTE*             dib;           /**< The DIB as it is defined in memory */
00054   int               size;          /**< Full size in memory */
00056   BITMAPINFO*       bmi;           /**< Bitmap Info = Bitmap Info Header + Palette */
00057   BITMAPINFOHEADER* bmih;          /**< Bitmap Info Header */
00058   RGBQUAD*          bmic;          /**< Bitmap Info Colors = Palette */
00059   BYTE*             bits;          /**< Bitmap Bits */
00061   int               palette_count; /**< number of colors in the palette */
00062   int               bits_size;     /**< size in bytes of the Bitmap Bits */
00063   int               line_size;     /**< size in bytes of one line, includes padding */
00064   int               pad_size;      /**< number of bytes remaining in the line, lines are in a word boundary */
00066   int               is_reference;  /**< only a reference, do not free pointer */
00067 } imDib; 
00069 /** Creates a new DIB. \n
00070  * use bpp=-16/-32 to allocate space for BITFLIEDS.
00071  * \ingroup dib */
00072 imDib* imDibCreate(int width, int height, int bpp);     
00074 /** Duplicates the DIB contents in a new DIB.
00075  * \ingroup dib */
00076 imDib* imDibCreateCopy(const imDib* dib);
00078 /** Creates a DIB using an already allocated memory. \n
00079  * "bmi" must be a pointer to BITMAPINFOHEADER. \n
00080  * "bits" can be NULL if it is inside "bmi" after the palette.
00081  * \ingroup dib */
00082 imDib* imDibCreateReference(BYTE* bmi, BYTE* bits);     
00084 /** Creates a DIB section for drawing porposes. \n
00085  * Returns the image handle also created.
00086  * \ingroup dib */
00087 imDib* imDibCreateSection(HDC hDC, HBITMAP *image, int width, int height, int bpp);
00089 /** Destroy the DIB
00090  * \ingroup dib */
00091 void imDibDestroy(imDib* dib);                                 
00093 /** DIB GetPixel function definition. \n 
00094  * the DWORD is a raw copy of the bits, use (unsigned char*)&pixel
00095  * \ingroup dib */
00096 typedef unsigned int (*imDibLineGetPixel)(unsigned char* line, int col);
00098 /** Returns a function to read pixels from a DIB line.
00099  * \ingroup dib */
00100 imDibLineGetPixel imDibLineGetPixelFunc(int bpp);  
00102 /** DIB SetPixel function definition
00103  * \ingroup dib */
00104 typedef void (*imDibLineSetPixel)(unsigned char* line, int col, unsigned int pixel);
00106 /** Returns a function to write pixels into a DIB line.
00107  * \ingroup dib */
00108 imDibLineSetPixel imDibLineSetPixelFunc(int bpp);  
00110 /** Creates a DIB from a image handle and a palette handle.
00111  * \ingroup dib */
00112 imDib* imDibFromHBitmap(const HBITMAP image, const HPALETTE hPalette); 
00114 /** Creates a image handle from a DIB.
00115  * \ingroup dib */
00116 HBITMAP imDibToHBitmap(const imDib* dib);
00118 /** Returns a Logical palette from the DIB palette. \n
00119  * DIB bpp must be <=8.
00120  * \ingroup dib */
00121 HPALETTE imDibLogicalPalette(const imDib* dib);
00123 /** Captures the screen into a DIB.
00124  * \ingroup dib */
00125 imDib* imDibCaptureScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height);
00127 /** Transfer the DIB to the clipboard. \n 
00128  * "dib" pointer can not be used after, or use imDibCopyClipboard(imDibCreateCopy(dib)).
00129  * Warning: Clipboard functions in C++ can fail with Visual C++ /EHsc (Enable C++ Exceptions)
00130 * \ingroup dib */
00131 void imDibCopyClipboard(imDib* dib); 
00133 /** Creates a reference for the DIB in the clipboard if any. Returns NULL otherwise.
00134  * Warning: Clipboard functions in C++ can fail with Visual C++ /EHsc (Enable C++ Exceptions)
00135  * \ingroup dib */
00136 imDib* imDibPasteClipboard(void);           
00138 /** Checks if there is a dib at the clipboard.
00139  * \ingroup dib */
00140 int imDibIsClipboardAvailable(void);
00142 /** Saves the DIB into a file ".bmp".
00143  * \ingroup dib */
00144 int imDibSaveFile(const imDib* dib, const char* filename);
00146 /** Creates a DIB from a file ".bmp".
00147  * \ingroup dib */
00148 imDib* imDibLoadFile(const char* filename);
00150 /** Converts a DIB into an RGBA image. alpha is optional. bpp must be >8. \n 
00151  * alpha is used only when bpp=32.
00152  * \ingroup dib */
00153 void imDibDecodeToRGBA(const imDib* dib, unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue, unsigned char* alpha);
00155 /** Converts a DIB into an indexed image. bpp must be <=8. colors must have room for at least 256 colors. 
00156  * colors is rgb packed (RGBRGBRGB...)
00157  * \ingroup dib */
00158 void imDibDecodeToMap(const imDib* dib, unsigned char* map, long* palette);
00160 /** Converts an RGBA image into a DIB. alpha is optional. bpp must be >8. \n
00161  * alpha is used only when bpp=32.
00162  * \ingroup dib */
00163 void imDibEncodeFromRGBA(imDib* dib, const unsigned char* red, const unsigned char* green, const unsigned char* blue, const unsigned char* alpha);
00165 /** Converts an indexed image into a DIB. bpp must be <=8. \n
00166  * colors is rgb packed (RGBRGBRGB...)
00167  * \ingroup dib */
00168 void imDibEncodeFromMap(imDib* dib, const unsigned char* map, const long* palette, int palette_count);
00170 /** Converts a IM_RGB packed image, with or without alpha, into a DIB.
00171  * \ingroup dib */
00172 void imDibEncodeFromBitmap(imDib* dib, const unsigned char* data);
00174 /** Converts a DIB into IM_RGB packed image, with or without alpha.
00175  * \ingroup dib */
00176 void imDibDecodeToBitmap(const imDib* dib, unsigned char* data);
00178 #ifdef __IM_IMAGE_H
00179 /* You must include "im_image.h" before this header to enable these declarations. */
00181 /** Creates a imImage from the dib data.
00182  * \ingroup dib */
00183 imImage* imDibToImage(const imDib* dib);
00185 /** Creates a Dib from the image. It must be a bitmap image.
00186  * \ingroup dib */
00187 imDib* imDibFromImage(const imImage* image);
00189 #endif
00191 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00192 }
00193 #endif
00195 #endif