IM: Image Representation

IM - An Imaging Tool

Image Representation

Detailed Description

See im.h


 Raw Data Conversion Utilities
 Raw Data Utilities
 Color Mode Utilities


enum  imDataType {
enum  imColorSpace {
enum  imColorModeConfig { IM_ALPHA = 0x100, IM_PACKED = 0x200, IM_TOPDOWN = 0x400 }

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum imDataType

Image data type descriptors.
See also Data Type Utilities.

IM_BYTE  "unsigned char". 1 byte from 0 to 255.
IM_USHORT  "unsigned short". 2 bytes from 0 to 65,535.
IM_INT  "int". 4 bytes from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
IM_FLOAT  "float". 4 bytes single precision IEEE floating point.
IM_CFLOAT  complex "float". 2 float values in sequence, real and imaginary parts.
00019 {
00020   IM_BYTE,   /**< "unsigned char". 1 byte from 0 to 255.                  */
00021   IM_USHORT, /**< "unsigned short". 2 bytes from 0 to 65,535.             */
00022   IM_INT,    /**< "int". 4 bytes from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.    */
00023   IM_FLOAT,  /**< "float". 4 bytes single precision IEEE floating point.  */
00024   IM_CFLOAT  /**< complex "float". 2 float values in sequence, real and imaginary parts.   */
00025 };

enum imColorSpace

Image color mode color space descriptors (first byte).
See also Color Mode Utilities.

IM_RGB  Red, Green and Blue (nonlinear).
IM_MAP  Indexed by RGB color map (data_type=IM_BYTE).
IM_GRAY  Shades of gray, luma (nonlinear Luminance), or an intensity value that is not related to color.
IM_BINARY  Indexed by 2 colors: black (0) and white (1) (data_type=IM_BYTE).
IM_CMYK  Cian, Magenta, Yellow and Black (nonlinear).
IM_YCBCR  ITU-R 601 Y'CbCr. Y' is luma (nonlinear Luminance).
IM_LAB  CIE L*a*b*. L* is Lightness (nonlinear Luminance, nearly perceptually uniform).
IM_LUV  CIE L*u*v*. L* is Lightness (nonlinear Luminance, nearly perceptually uniform).
IM_XYZ  CIE XYZ. Linear Light Tristimulus, Y is linear Luminance.
00031 {
00032   IM_RGB,    /**< Red, Green and Blue (nonlinear).              */
00033   IM_MAP,    /**< Indexed by RGB color map (data_type=IM_BYTE). */
00034   IM_GRAY,   /**< Shades of gray, luma (nonlinear Luminance), or an intensity value that is not related to color. */
00035   IM_BINARY, /**< Indexed by 2 colors: black (0) and white (1) (data_type=IM_BYTE).     */
00036   IM_CMYK,   /**< Cian, Magenta, Yellow and Black (nonlinear).                          */
00037   IM_YCBCR,  /**< ITU-R 601 Y'CbCr. Y' is luma (nonlinear Luminance).                   */
00038   IM_LAB,    /**< CIE L*a*b*. L* is Lightness (nonlinear Luminance, nearly perceptually uniform). */
00039   IM_LUV,    /**< CIE L*u*v*. L* is Lightness (nonlinear Luminance, nearly perceptually uniform). */
00040   IM_XYZ     /**< CIE XYZ. Linear Light Tristimulus, Y is linear Luminance.             */
00041 };

enum imColorModeConfig

Image color mode configuration/extra descriptors (1 bit each in the second byte).
See also Color Mode Utilities.

IM_ALPHA  adds an Alpha channel
IM_PACKED  packed components (rgbrgbrgb...)
IM_TOPDOWN  orientation from top down to bottom
00047 {
00048   IM_ALPHA    = 0x100,  /**< adds an Alpha channel */
00049   IM_PACKED   = 0x200,  /**< packed components (rgbrgbrgb...) */
00050   IM_TOPDOWN  = 0x400   /**< orientation from top down to bottom */
00051 };