IM: im.h Source File

IM - An Imaging Tool


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /** \file
00002  * \brief Main API
00003  *
00004  * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h
00005  * $Id: im.h,v 1.10 2006/11/22 19:55:32 scuri Exp $
00006  */
00008 #ifndef __IM_H
00009 #define __IM_H
00011 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00012 extern "C" {
00013 #endif
00016 /** Image data type descriptors. \n
00017  * See also \ref datatypeutl.
00018  * \ingroup imagerep */
00019 enum imDataType
00020 {
00021   IM_BYTE,   /**< "unsigned char". 1 byte from 0 to 255.                  */
00022   IM_USHORT, /**< "unsigned short". 2 bytes from 0 to 65,535.             */
00023   IM_INT,    /**< "int". 4 bytes from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.    */
00024   IM_FLOAT,  /**< "float". 4 bytes single precision IEEE floating point.  */
00025   IM_CFLOAT  /**< complex "float". 2 float values in sequence, real and imaginary parts.   */
00026 };
00028 /** Image color mode color space descriptors (first byte). \n
00029  * See also \ref colormodeutl.
00030  * \ingroup imagerep */
00031 enum imColorSpace
00032 {
00033   IM_RGB,    /**< Red, Green and Blue (nonlinear).              */
00034   IM_MAP,    /**< Indexed by RGB color map (data_type=IM_BYTE). */
00035   IM_GRAY,   /**< Shades of gray, luma (nonlinear Luminance), or an intensity value that is not related to color. */
00036   IM_BINARY, /**< Indexed by 2 colors: black (0) and white (1) (data_type=IM_BYTE).     */
00037   IM_CMYK,   /**< Cian, Magenta, Yellow and Black (nonlinear).                          */
00038   IM_YCBCR,  /**< ITU-R 601 Y'CbCr. Y' is luma (nonlinear Luminance).                   */
00039   IM_LAB,    /**< CIE L*a*b*. L* is Lightness (nonlinear Luminance, nearly perceptually uniform). */
00040   IM_LUV,    /**< CIE L*u*v*. L* is Lightness (nonlinear Luminance, nearly perceptually uniform). */
00041   IM_XYZ     /**< CIE XYZ. Linear Light Tristimulus, Y is linear Luminance.             */
00042 };
00044 /** Image color mode configuration/extra descriptors (1 bit each in the second byte). \n
00045  * See also \ref colormodeutl.
00046  * \ingroup imagerep */
00047 enum imColorModeConfig
00048 {
00049   IM_ALPHA    = 0x100,  /**< adds an Alpha channel */
00050   IM_PACKED   = 0x200,  /**< packed components (rgbrgbrgb...) */
00051   IM_TOPDOWN  = 0x400   /**< orientation from top down to bottom */
00052 };
00056 /** File Access Error Codes
00057  * \ingroup file */
00058 enum imErrorCodes 
00059 {
00060   IM_ERR_NONE,     /**< No error. */
00061   IM_ERR_OPEN,     /**< Error while opening the file (read or write). */
00062   IM_ERR_ACCESS,   /**< Error while accessing the file (read or write). */
00063   IM_ERR_FORMAT,   /**< Invalid or unrecognized file format. */
00064   IM_ERR_DATA,     /**< Invalid or unsupported data. */
00065   IM_ERR_COMPRESS, /**< Invalid or unsupported compression. */
00066   IM_ERR_MEM,      /**< Insuficient memory */
00067   IM_ERR_COUNTER   /**< Interrupted by the counter */
00068 };
00070 /* Internal Image File Structure. */
00071 typedef struct _imFile imFile;
00073 /** Opens the file for reading. It must exists. Also reads file header.
00074  * It will try to identify the file format.
00075  * See also \ref imErrorCodes.
00076  *
00077  * \verbatim im.FileOpen(file_name: string) -> ifile: imFile, error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00078  * \ingroup file */
00079 imFile* imFileOpen(const char* file_name, int *error);
00081 /** Opens the file for reading using a specific format. It must exists. Also reads file header.
00082  * See also \ref imErrorCodes and \ref format.
00083  *
00084  * \verbatim im.FileOpenAs(file_name, format: string) -> ifile: imFile, error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00085  * \ingroup file */
00086 imFile* imFileOpenAs(const char* file_name, const char* format, int *error);
00088 /** Creates a new file for writing using a specific format. If the file exists will be replaced. \n
00089  * It will only initialize the format driver and create the file, no data is actually written.
00090  * See also \ref imErrorCodes and \ref format.
00091  *
00092  * \verbatim im.FileNew(file_name: string, format: string) -> ifile: imFile, error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00093  * \ingroup file */
00094 imFile* imFileNew(const char* file_name, const char* format, int *error);
00096 /** Closes the file
00097  *
00098  * \verbatim im.FileClose(ifile: imFile) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00099  * \verbatim ifile:Close() [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00100  * \ingroup file */
00101 void imFileClose(imFile* ifile);  
00103 /** Returns an internal handle.
00104  * index=0 returns always an imBinFile* handle, 
00105  * but for some formats returns NULL because they do not use imBinFile (like AVI and WMV).
00106  * index=1 return an internal structure used by the format, usually is a handle 
00107  * to a third party library structure. This is file format dependent.
00108  *
00109  * \verbatim ifile:Handle() -> handle: userdata [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00110  * \ingroup file */
00111 void* imFileHandle(imFile* ifile, int index);  
00113 /** Returns file information. 
00114  *  image_count is the number of images in a stack or 
00115  *  the number of frames in a video/animation or the depth of a volume data. \n
00116  *  compression and image_count can be NULL.
00117  * See also \ref format.
00118  *
00119  * \verbatim ifile:GetInfo() -> format: string, compression: string, image_count: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00120  * \ingroup file */
00121 void imFileGetInfo(imFile* ifile, char* format, char* compression, int *image_count);
00123 /** Changes the write compression method. \n
00124  * If the compression is not supported will return an error code when writting. \n
00125  * Use NULL to set the default compression. You can use the imFileGetInfo to retrieve the actual compression
00126  * but only after \ref imFileWriteImageInfo. Only a few formats allow you to change the compression between frames.
00127  *
00128  * \verbatim ifile:SetInfo(compression: string) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00129  * \ingroup file */
00130 void imFileSetInfo(imFile* ifile, const char* compression);
00132 /** Changes an extended attribute. \n
00133  * The data will be internally duplicated. \n
00134  * If data is NULL the attribute is removed.
00135  * See also \ref imDataType.
00136  *
00137  * \verbatim ifile:SetAttribute(attrib: string, data_type: number, data: table of numbers or string) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00138  * If data_type is IM_BYTE, as_string can be used as data.
00139  * \ingroup file */
00140 void imFileSetAttribute(imFile* ifile, const char* attrib, int data_type, int count, const void* data);
00142 /** Returns an extended attribute. \n
00143  * Returns NULL if not found. data_type and count can be NULL.
00144  * See also \ref imDataType.
00145  *
00146  * \verbatim ifile:GetAttribute(attrib: string, [as_string: boolean]) -> data: table of numbers or string, data_type: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00147  * If data_type is IM_BYTE, as_string can be used to return a string instead of a table.
00148  * \ingroup file */
00149 const void* imFileGetAttribute(imFile* ifile, const char* attrib, int *data_type, int *count);
00151 /** Returns a list of the attribute names. \n
00152  * "attrib" must contain room enough for "attrib_count" names. Use "attrib=NULL" to return only the count.
00153  *
00154  * \verbatim ifile:GetAttributeList() -> data: table of strings [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00155  * \ingroup file */
00156 void imFileGetAttributeList(imFile* ifile, char** attrib, int *attrib_count);
00158 /** Returns the pallete if any. \n
00159  * "palette" must be a 256 colors alocated array. \n
00160  * Returns zero in "palette_count" if there is no palette. "palette_count" is >0 and <=256.
00161  *
00162  * \verbatim ifile:GetPalette() -> palette: imPalette [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00163  * \ingroup file */
00164 void imFileGetPalette(imFile* ifile, long* palette, int *palette_count);
00166 /** Changes the pallete. \n
00167  *  "palette_count" is >0 and <=256.
00168  *
00169  * \verbatim ifile:SetPalette(palette: imPalette) [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00170  * \ingroup file */
00171 void imFileSetPalette(imFile* ifile, long* palette, int palette_count);
00173 /** Reads the image header if any and returns image information. \n
00174  * Reads also the extended image attributes, so other image attributes will be available only after calling this function. \n
00175  * Returns an error code.
00176  * index specifies the image number between 0 and image_count-1. \n
00177  * Some drivers reads only in sequence, so "index" can be ignored by the format driver. \n
00178  * Any parameters can be NULL. This function must be called at least once, check each format documentation.
00179  * See also \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig.
00180  *
00181  * \verbatim ifile:ReadImageInfo([index: number]) -> error: number, width: number, height: number, file_color_mode: number, file_data_type: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00182  * Default index is 0.
00183  * \ingroup file */
00184 int imFileReadImageInfo(imFile* ifile, int index, int *width, int *height, int *file_color_mode, int *file_data_type);
00186 /** Writes the image header. Writes the file header at the first time it is called.
00187  * Writes also the extended image attributes. \n
00188  * Must call imFileSetPalette and set other attributes before calling this function. \n
00189  * In some formats the color space will be converted to match file format specification. \n
00190  * Returns an error code. This function must be called at least once, check each format documentation.
00191  * See also \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig.
00192  *
00193  * \verbatim ifile:WriteImageInfo(width: number, height: number, user_color_mode: number, user_data_type: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00194  * \ingroup file */
00195 int imFileWriteImageInfo(imFile* ifile, int width, int height, int user_color_mode, int user_data_type);
00197 /** Reads the image data with or without conversion. \n
00198  * The data can be converted to bitmap when reading.
00199  * Data type conversion to byte will always scan for min-max then scale to 0-255, 
00200  * except integer values that min-max are already between 0-255. Complex to real conversions will use the magnitude. \n
00201  * Color mode flags contains packed, alpha and top-botttom information.
00202  * If flag is 0 means unpacked, no alpha and bottom up. If flag is -1 the file original flags are used. \n
00203  * Returns an error code.
00204  * See also \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig.
00205  *
00206  * \verbatim ifile:ReadImageData(data: userdata, convert2bitmap: bool, color_mode_flags: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00207  * \ingroup file */
00208 int imFileReadImageData(imFile* ifile, void* data, int convert2bitmap, int color_mode_flags);
00210 /** Writes the image data. \n
00211  * Returns an error code.
00212  *
00213  * \verbatim ifile:WriteImageData(data: userdata) -> error: number [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00214  * \ingroup file */
00215 int imFileWriteImageData(imFile* ifile, void* data);
00220 /** Registers all the internal formats. \n
00221  * It is automatically called internally when a format is accessed, 
00222  * but can be called to force the internal formats to be registered before other formats.
00223  * Notice that additional formats when registered will be registered before the internal formats 
00224  * if imFormatRegisterInternal is not called yet. \n
00225  * To control the register order is usefull when two format drivers handle the same format. 
00226  * The first registered format will always be used first.
00227  * \ingroup format */
00228 void imFormatRegisterInternal(void);
00230 /** Remove all registered formats.
00231  * \ingroup format */
00232 void imFormatRemoveAll(void);
00234 /** Returns a list of the registered formats. \n
00235  * format_list is an array of format identifiers. 
00236  * Each format identifier is 10 chars max, maximum of 50 formats. 
00237  * You can use "char* format_list[50]". 
00238  *
00239  * \verbatim im.FormatList() -> format_list: table of strings [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00240  * \ingroup format */
00241 void imFormatList(char** format_list, int *format_count);
00243 /** Returns the format description. \n
00244  * Format description is 50 chars max. \n
00245  * Extensions are separated like "*.tif;*.tiff;", 50 chars max. \n
00246  * Returns an error code. The parameters can be NULL, except format.
00247  * See also \ref format.
00248  *
00249  * \verbatim im.FormatInfo(format: string) -> error: number, desc: string, ext: string, can_sequence: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00250  * \ingroup format */
00251 int imFormatInfo(const char* format, char* desc, char* ext, int *can_sequence);
00253 /** Returns the format compressions. \n
00254  * Compressions are 20 chars max each, maximum of 50 compressions. You can use "char* comp[50]". \n
00255  * color_mode and data_type are optional, use -1 to ignore them. \n
00256  * If you use them they will select only the allowed compressions checked like in \ref imFormatCanWriteImage. \n
00257  * Returns an error code.
00258  * See also \ref format, \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig.
00259  *
00260  * \verbatim im.FormatCompressions(format: string, [color_mode: number], [data_type: number]) -> error: number, comp: table of strings [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00261  * \ingroup format */
00262 int imFormatCompressions(const char* format, char** comp, int *comp_count, int color_mode, int data_type);
00264 /** Checks if the format suport the given image class at the given compression. \n
00265  * Returns an error code.
00266  * See also \ref format, \ref imErrorCodes, \ref imDataType, \ref imColorSpace and \ref imColorModeConfig.
00267  *
00268  * \verbatim im.FormatCanWriteImage(format: string, compression: string, color_mode: number, data_type: number) -> can_write: boolean [in Lua 5] \endverbatim
00269  * \ingroup format */
00270 int imFormatCanWriteImage(const char* format, const char* compression, int color_mode, int data_type);
00273 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00274 }
00275 #endif
00277 #include "old_im.h"
00279 #endif