IM: Counter

IM - An Imaging Tool


Detailed Description

Used to notify the application that a step in the loading, saving or processing operation has been performed.
See im_counter.h


typedef int(* imCounterCallback )(int counter, void *user_data, const char *text, int progress)


imCounterCallback imCounterSetCallback (void *user_data, imCounterCallback counter_func)
int imCounterBegin (const char *title)
void imCounterEnd (int counter)
int imCounterInc (int counter)
void imCounterTotal (int counter, int total, const char *message)

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* imCounterCallback)(int counter, void *user_data, const char *text, int progress)

Counter callback, informs the progress of the operation to the client.
Text contains a constant string that is NULL during normal counting, a title in the begining of a sequence and a message in the begining of a count. Counter id identifies diferrent counters.
Progress in a count reports a value from 0 to 1000. If -1 indicates the start of a sequence of operations, 1001 ends the sequence.
If returns 0 the client should abort the operation.
If the counter is aborted, the callback will be called one last time at 1001.

Function Documentation

imCounterCallback imCounterSetCallback void *  user_data,
imCounterCallback  counter_func

Changes the counter callback. Returns old callback.
User data is changed only if not NULL.

int imCounterBegin const char *  title  ) 

Begins a new count, or a partial-count in a sequence.
Calls the callback with "-1" and text=title, if it is at the top level.
This is to be used by the operations. Returns a counter Id.

void imCounterEnd int  counter  ) 

Ends a count, or a partial-count in a sequence.
Calls the callback with "1001", text=null, and releases the counter if it is at top level count.

int imCounterInc int  counter  ) 

Increments a count. Must set the total first.
Calls the callback, text=message if it is the first increment for the count.
Returns 0 if the callback aborted, 1 if returns normally.

void imCounterTotal int  counter,
int  total,
const char *  message

Sets the total increments of a count.