IM: Rank Convolution Operations

IM - An Imaging Tool

Rank Convolution Operations
[Image Processing]

Detailed Description

All the rank convolution use the same base function. Near the border the base function includes only the real image pixels in the rank. No border extensions are used.
See im_process_loc.h


int imProcessMedianConvolve (const imImage *src_image, imImage *dst_image, int kernel_size)
int imProcessRangeConvolve (const imImage *src_image, imImage *dst_image, int kernel_size)
int imProcessRankClosestConvolve (const imImage *src_image, imImage *dst_image, int kernel_size)
int imProcessRankMaxConvolve (const imImage *src_image, imImage *dst_image, int kernel_size)
int imProcessRankMinConvolve (const imImage *src_image, imImage *dst_image, int kernel_size)

Function Documentation

int imProcessMedianConvolve const imImage src_image,
imImage dst_image,
int  kernel_size

Rank convolution using the median value.
Returns zero if the counter aborted.
Supports all data types except IM_COMPLEX. Can be applied on color images.

int imProcessRangeConvolve const imImage src_image,
imImage dst_image,
int  kernel_size

Rank convolution using (maximum-minimum) value.
Returns zero if the counter aborted.
Supports all data types except IM_COMPLEX. Can be applied on color images.

int imProcessRankClosestConvolve const imImage src_image,
imImage dst_image,
int  kernel_size

Rank convolution using the closest maximum or minimum value.
Returns zero if the counter aborted.
Supports all data types except IM_COMPLEX. Can be applied on color images.

int imProcessRankMaxConvolve const imImage src_image,
imImage dst_image,
int  kernel_size

Rank convolution using the maximum value.
Returns zero if the counter aborted.
Supports all data types except IM_COMPLEX. Can be applied on color images.

int imProcessRankMinConvolve const imImage src_image,
imImage dst_image,
int  kernel_size

Rank convolution using the minimum value.
Returns zero if the counter aborted.
Supports all data types except IM_COMPLEX. Can be applied on color images.