getData Method


getData Method

Retrieves the data in the specified format from the clipboard through the dataTransfer or clipboardData objects.


sRetrieveData = object.getData(sDataFormat)


sDataFormatRequired. String that specifies one of the following data format values:
TextRetrieves data formatted as text.
URLRetrieves data formatted as a URL.

Return Value

String. Returns the data in the format retrieved from clipboard through the dataTransfer or clipboardData object. Depending on the information contained in setData, this variable can retrieve a path to an image, text, or an anchor URL.


The getData method enforces cross-frame security and allows data transfers within the same domain only. To the user this means that dragging a selection between different security protocols, such as HTTP and HTTPS, will fail. In addition, dragging a selection between two instances of the browser with different security levels, where the first instance is set to medium and the second is set to high, will fail. Finally, dragging a selection into the browser from another drag-enabled application, such as Microsoft® Word, also will fail.

To use the getData method to retrieve data from the clipboard within the oncopy or oncut event, specify window.event.returnValue=false within the event handler script.


The following examples use the setData and getData methods of the dataTransfer object to drop text in a new location and create a desktop shortcut.

Sample Code

This example uses the getData method to drag text and drop it in a new location.

function InitiateDrag(){

function FinishDrag(){
  oTarget.innerText = event.dataTransfer.getData("Text");
function OverDrag(){

<B ID="oSource"
drag this text</B>

<SPAN ID="oTarget"
drop text here</SPAN>


This feature requires Internet Explorer 5 or later. Click the icon below to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.
Microsoft Internet Explorer

This example uses the getData method to create a desktop shortcut using a drag-and-drop operation.

function InitiateDrag(){   
  event.dataTransfer.setData("URL", oSource.href);

function FinishDrag(){
  oTarget.innerText = event.dataTransfer.getData("URL");

<A ID=oSource HREF="about:Example_Complete" 
   onclick="return(false)" ondragstart="InitiateDrag()">Test Anchor</A>

<SPAN ID=oTarget ondrop="FinishDrag()">Drop Here</SPAN>


This feature requires Internet Explorer 5 or later. Click the icon below to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.
Microsoft Internet Explorer

Applies To

[ Object Name ]
Version data is listed when the mouse hovers over a link, or the link has focus.
clipboardData, dataTransfer

See Also

dhtml data transfer overviewInternet Link, clearData, setData

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