FRAME Element | FRAME Object
Specifies an individual frame within a FRAMESET element.
HTML Syntax
<FRAME BORDERCOLOR=color CLASS=classname DATAFLD=colname DATASRC=#ID FRAMEBORDER=NO | YES | 0 | 1 HEIGHT=n ID=value LANG=language LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT | JSCRIPT | VBSCRIPT | VBS MARGINHEIGHT=pixels MARGINWIDTH=pixels NAME=window_name | _blank | _parent | _self | _top NORESIZE=NORESIZE | RESIZE SCROLLING=AUTO | NO | YES SRC=url TITLE=text WIDTH=n event = script >
If a user opens a web folder
inside a frame and then clicks something in the Web folder, the file or folder that the user clicks takes over the entire window. For example, suppose that a page contains two frames, one frame pointing to and the second frame pointing to a network drive. If the user clicks a file or folder in the second frame, that frame takes control of the entire window, including the first frame. For file types that the browser cannot host, such as .txt files, a separate window in the appropriate host application is opened.
A Web folder is a part of the file system hierarchy, but it does not necessarily represent anything in the file system. An example is Network Neighborhood.
The FRAME element is a block element and does not require a closing tag.
This element is available in HTML and script as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 3.0.
This example uses the FRAME element to define properties of the frame, including the location of the page loaded by the frame.
<FRAME FRAMEBORDER=0 SCROLLING=NO SRC="sample.htm">This example shows how to reference an object with ID=sID in FRAME2, from another frame of the same frameset.
See Also
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