ControlPosition Enumeration

GoogleMap Control Artem.Google

GoogleMap Control ControlPosition Enumeration
GoogleMap Control v6.0
Identifiers used to specify the placement of controls on the map. Controls are positioned relative to other controls in the same layout position. Controls that are added first are positioned closer to the edge of the map. +----------------+ + TL TC TR + + LT RT + + + + LC RC + + + + LB RB + + BL BC BR + +----------------+ Elements in the top or bottom row flow towards the middle. Elements at the left or right sides flow downwards.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic
public enum ControlPosition
Public Enumeration ControlPosition
Member Description
TopLeft Represents the top left position.
TopCenter Represents the top center position.
TopRight Represents the top right position.
BottomCenter Represents the bottom center position.
BottomLeft Represents the bottom left position.
BottomRight Represents the bottom right position.
LeftBottom Represents the left bottom position.
LeftCenter Represents the left center position.
LeftTop Represents the left top position.
RightBottom Represents the right bottom position.
RightCenter Represents the right center position.
RightTop Represents the right top position.

Assembly: Artem.Google (Module: Artem.Google) Version: (6.0.11322.1118)