Dev : Register 29
Register Gens control 29
As any added register, the original Megadrive/Genesis should skip them (as written in the Dev Kit documentation)
Gens control register
take control of Gens throught your rom
Value is one of these control codes
0x00 pause
0x01 show debug 68k window
0x02 show debug z80 window
0x03 show debug VDP window
0x04 show debug sub68k window
0x05 show debug CDC window
0x06 show debug CD Gfx window
0x07 show debug 32X main window
0x08 show debug 32X sub window
0x09 show debug 32X VDP window
0x0A show debug VDP register window
0x0B show debug Sprite window
0x0C show debug YM2612 window
0x0D show debug PSG window
0x0E show watchers window
0x0F show Layers window
0x10 show message window
0x11 show debug CD register window
0x50 dump 68k ram
0x51 dump Z80 ram
0x52 dump S68k ram
0x60 take screenshot
0x62 start record gmv
0x63 stop record gmv
0x64 start gmv
0x65 stop gmv
0x00/Pause is the more useful one : pause your game at an important point and check what you want
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