GMV Tools
The GMV tools is a way to convert a GMV file to what you need for your games (into a GMC file).
Using the result file, you can add replay or attractive demo to your games.
If a game is loaded, the input and output files are automaticaly defined, else use the Browse buttons
Select if you want the GMC file to be compressed (for size issue)
Player 1
Include player 1 input ?
Player 2
Include player 2 input ?
6 Buttons
Include players 6 buttons ?
Convert the GMV file to a compressed or not GMC file with the data selected
Quit GMV tools
- GMC File Description -
uchar Format
//what is on the GMC File, add the needed values
//0x01 -> player1 input
//0x02 -> player2 input
//0x04 -> boutons 6 added
//0x80 -> compressed
uchar reserved[0x0E]
//futur use
uchar data
if compressed
the first char is the number of frames of the input
the second char is the first input (if needed)
the third char is the second input (if needed)
the 4th char is the third input (if needed)
the first char is the first input (if needed)
the second char is the second input (if needed)
the thirs char is the third input (if needed)
Copyright ©2007 Kaneda
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