HCopy Method

Galv Coil Eye Label OCR

Halcon..::..HCopy Method

Overload List

  Name Description
Public method Static member HCopy(HImage, HImage%)
A helper method to ensure that a HALCON HImage is correctly disposed when assigned a new value.
Public method Static member HCopy(HRegion, HRegion%)
A helper method to ensure that a HALCON HRegion is correctly disposed when assigned a new value.
Public method Static member HCopy(HXLD, HXLD%)
A helper method to ensure that a HALCON HXLD is correctly disposed when assigned a new value.
Public method Static member HCopy(HXLDCont, HXLDCont%)
A helper method to ensure that a HALCON XLD Contour is correctly disposed when assigned a new value.