Use with Visual Basic

The GflLib use with Visual Basic requires the use of modules. See examples for more informations, or contact us by e-mail.


    This file contains the API declarations, strcutures and contants required by GflLib and GflLibs.


    This file contains functions required to use GflLib with Visual Basic.

    extGetGflBitmapFromPtrRetrieves the data of a GFL_BITMAP structure from a pointer
    extGetGflColorMapFromPtrRetrieves the data of a GFL_COLORMAP structure from a pointer
    extGetGflCommentsRetrieves a dynamic array of string (comments) from a pointer
    extGetStrRetrieves a string from a pointer
    extRTNTrims and erases the NULL characters of a C string
    extFarProcGets the pointer on a Visual Basic function with AddressOf
    extShowBitmapOnDcDisplay a GFL_BITMAP in a graphical context.


    This file contains the API declarations, strcutures and contants required by GflLibe, extension of GflLib.


    This file contains functions required to use GflLibe with Visual Basic.

    extGetDIBFromPtrRetrieve a DIB from a pointer
    extShowBitmapOnDcExDisplay a GFL_BITMAP in a graphical context by using the ConvertBitmapIntoDIB function (GflLibe) (same as extShowBitmapIntoDC).
    extShowTransparencyBitmapOnDCExDisplay a transparency GFL_BITMAP in a graphical context by using the ConvertBitmapIntoDIB function (GflLibe).


    This file contains functions required to use callbacks in LoadBitmapFromHandle and LoadPreviewFromHandle with Visual Basic.

    extLoadFileLoads a file into a READ_DATA.
    extSetDataToPtrCopy the data of a READ_DATA structure in memory.
    READ_ReadFunctionThe function which reads the data.
    READ_TellFunctionThe function which gives the position of reading.
    READ_SeekFunctionThe function which sets the position.


    This file contains functions required to use callbacks in SaveBitmapIntoHandle with Visual Basic.

    extSaveFileSaves the data from a pointer on a SAVE_DATA structure in a file.
    extWriteArraySaves the data from a pointer in a array.
    extGetDataToPtrCopy in a SAVE_DATA structure the data in memory.
    SAVE_ReadFunctionThe function which writes the data.
    SAVE_TellFunctionThe function which gives the position of writing.
    SAVE_SeekFunctionThe function which sets the position.