FieldPoint RT VIs

FieldPoint LabView Interface

FieldPoint Publish Data VIs

Use these VIs to share LabVIEW data between two FieldPoint RT controllers or a FieldPoint RT controller and a local computer. The data is published under a block (folder) name and item name.

Note  This palette appears only if LabVIEW Real-Time is installed.

The Publish Data palette contains subVIs for individual publish operations: Init Publish Data, Read Publish Data, Write Publish Data, and Destroy Publish Data. Publish merges all four functions into one subVI. For faster performance, use the individual, green subVIs.

The following figure shows a typical control application using Init Publish Data, Read Publish Data, Write Publish Data, and Destroy Publish Data. This application controls the level of water in a tank by varying the fill rate of a pump. Clients on the network can view the level of the tank and the fill rate of the pump.