Channel Properties
On the Channel properties page, you can configure ranges and attributes of channels.
This page includes the following components:
- Channels—The ring control displays the type of the channels listed in the box below. If the device has channels of more than one type, the list box displays only the channels of the type selected in the ring control.
- Range—Use this ring control to configure the range for the channel or channels selected in the list box at left.
- Power-Up Output Value—You can use this control to configure one or more output channels to output a value at system startup.
- Channel Attributes—Select a channel attribute from the Attribute ring control, then select a value for the attribute from the Value ring control.
- Compare—Click this button to compare the current settings for the device in your project to the settings saved on the device itself.
- OK—Click this button to apply the changes you have made to the project settings on the host computer. The changes do not affect the settings on devices and banks until you click Deploy in the project tree view.