Show Method

Fast Colored Text Box

Collapse imageExpand ImageCopy imageCopyHover image

Overload List

Public methodShow()()()()
Displays the ToolStripDropDown control in its default position.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDown.)
Public methodShow(Point)
Positions the ToolStripDropDown relative to the specified screen location.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDown.)
Public methodShow(Boolean)
Shows popup menu immediately
Public methodShow(Control, Point)
Positions the ToolStripDropDown relative to the specified control location.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDown.)
Public methodShow(Point, ToolStripDropDownDirection)
Positions the ToolStripDropDown relative to the specified control location and with the specified direction relative to the parent control.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDown.)
Public methodShow(Int32, Int32)
Positions the ToolStripDropDown relative to the specified screen coordinates.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDown.)
Public methodShow(Control, Point, ToolStripDropDownDirection)
Positions the ToolStripDropDown relative to the specified control at the specified location and with the specified direction relative to the parent control.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDown.)
Public methodShow(Control, Int32, Int32)
Positions the ToolStripDropDown relative to the specified control's horizontal and vertical screen coordinates.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDown.)

See Also