Far Manager


The DI_CHECKBOX dialog item describes a Check Box control. It is also known as a "button with independent fixation" or an "on/off switch". The switch is considered to be ON when the dialog item has non-zero Selected field.
struct FarDialogItem
  int Type          = DI_CHECKBOX
  int X1            = X
  int Y1            = Y
  int X2            = 0 (not used in Dialog API 1.0)
  int Y2            = Y (equals to Y1)
  int Focus         = Focus
  int Selected      = Selected
  DWORD Flags       = Flags
  int DefaultButton = DefaultButton
  char Data[512]    = Checkbox caption

Attention! Attention!

  • This is an exemplary structure; read full description here.


Keyboard focus flag.


This field reflects current state of the checkbox control: is it switched on or off.


There are several flags applicable to the DI_CHECKBOX item:

Sequential items having this flag set and equal vertical coordinates will be horizontally centered in the dialog. Their X1 and X2 coordinates are ignored. Useful for centering checkbox groups.

DIF_SETCOLOR The low byte of Flags will be used as the item color.
DIF_DISABLE Disables user access to the control.
DIF_NOFOCUS The dialog item cannot receive keyboard focus, but can handle other user events.
DIF_3STATE The checkbox will have 3 possible states: "off", "on", "undefined".
DIF_SHOWAMPERSAND Show ampersand symbol in caption instead of using it for defining hotkeys.


DN_DRAWDLGITEM This event is sent to the dialog callback function just before the control is drawn.
DN_CTLCOLORDLGITEM The plugin should pass the color attributes of the checbox when this event comes. Param2 argument (foreground+background):
LoWord LoByte - color of the caption
                (COL_WARNDIALOGBUTTON or
LoWord HiByte - color of highlighted text

Param2, when the checkbox has focus:

LoWord LoByte - color of the caption
LoWord HiByte - color of highlighted text
HiWord LoByte - 0
HiWord HiByte - 0
If the special flag DIF_SETCOLOR is used, the checkbox's caption (LoWord LoByte) will be drawn according to the above settings.
DN_HOTKEY A hotkey was pressed (Alt-<letter>).
DN_BTNCLICK The state of the checkbox was changed.
DN_KEY This event comes after the user has pressed a key in the dialog.
DN_MOUSECLICK This event comes after the user has clicked one of the dialog items or outside the dialog with a mouse button.
DN_KILLFOCUS This event is sent before the button loses the focus, if the flag DIF_NOFOCUS was not used.
DN_GOTFOCUS This event is sent after the button has received the keyboard focus, if the flag DIF_NOFOCUS was not used.


It is strongly recommended to set correct values for X2 and Y2 fields, though they aren't used in Dialog API 1.0.
See also: