帮助制作:深圳英蓓特信息技术有限公司 嵌入式集成软件开发环境 "Embest IDE for ARM" 项目组
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序:余下载了 ARM 汇编编程网站的离线文档,此文档基于一个余从未见过的操作系统 RISC OS,但基本的东西如指令集是跨越厂商和平台的,汇编格式等差异应当不是大问题。余从中选译了指令集部分,没有选取依赖于特定硬件和工具的内容,并附加了余翻译的另一篇短文“ARM 指令格式和时序”。余对明显的错误进行了订正,并对部分内容做了一些必要的修改,好在改动的地方不是很多。余乃一介草莽,难免疏失错讹,祈望仁者指正。
The information included here is provided in good faith, but no responsibility can be accepted for any damage or loss caused from the use of information contained within this document even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such loss. 真诚的提供包含在此处的信息,但对由于使用本文档包含的信息而导致的任何损害或损失不负责任,即使作者已经忠告了有这种损失的可能性。
这不是来自 ARM 公司的官方文档;实际上只有来自 ARM 公司的一群好人给出了一些修正,他们与本文档没有任何联系。他们不担保找出了其中所有的错误,所以如果你找到了错误请不要指责他们。
非常欢迎校正和/补偿这个文档。请向 Robin Watts 报告。
This document was originally written by Robin Watts, with considerable consultation with Steven Singer. It was then later updated by Mark Smith to include more information on ARMs later than 2.
David Seal provided a huge list of corrections and amendments, and unwittingly provided the basis for the timing information in a posting to usenet.
Various corrections were also submitted/posted by Olly Betts, Clive Jones, Alain Noullez, John Veness, Sverker Wiberg and Mark Wooding.
Thanks to everyone that helped (and if I have missed you here, please let me know.)
Just because I have included peoples addresses here, please do not take this as an invitation to mail them any questions you may have!
Olly Betts [email protected] Paul Hankin [email protected] Robert Harley [email protected] Clive Jones [email protected] Alain Noullez [email protected] David Seal <address withheld by request> Steven Singer [email protected] Mark Smith [email protected] John Veness [email protected] Robin Watts [email protected] Sverker Wiberg [email protected] Mark Wooding [email protected]
For those not on the internet, messages can be sent by snail mail to:
Robin Watts St Catherines College, Oxford, OX1 3UJ