

DotZLib .Net wrapper for ZLib1.dll

DotZLib Namespace


Class Description
AdlerChecksum Implements a checksum generator that computes the Adler checksum on data
ChecksumGeneratorBase Implements the common functionality needed for all ChecksumGenerators
CodecBase Implements the common functionality needed for all Codecs
CRC32Checksum Implements a CRC32 checksum generator
Deflater Implements a data compressor, using the deflate algorithm in the ZLib dll
GZipStream Implements a compressed Stream, in GZip (.gz) format.
Inflater Implements a data decompressor, using the inflate algorithm in the ZLib dll
Info Encapsulates general information about the ZLib library
ZLibException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs on the zlib dll


Interface Description
ChecksumGenerator Declares methods and properties that enables a running checksum to be calculated
Codec Declares methods and events for implementing compressors/decompressors


Delegate Description
DataAvailableHandler Represents the method that will be called from a codec when new data are available.


Enumeration Description
CompressLevel Defines constants for the available compression levels in zlib