FilterGraphTools Members


A Managed DirectShow Toolkit

FilterGraphTools Members

FilterGraphTools overview

Public Static Methods

AddFilterByDevicePath Add a filter to a DirectShow Graph using its Moniker's device path
AddFilterByName Add a filter to a DirectShow Graph using its name
AddFilterFromClsid Add a filter to a DirectShow Graph using its CLSID
ConnectFiltersOverloaded. Connect pins from two filters
DisconnectAllPins Disconnect pins of all the filters in a DirectShow Graph
DisconnectPins Disconnect all pins on a given filter
FindFilterByClsid Find a filter in a DirectShow Graph using its CLSID
FindFilterByName Find a filter in a DirectShow Graph using its name
HasPropertyPages Check if a DirectShow filter can display Property Pages
IsThisComObjectInstalled Check if a COM Object is available
IsVMR7Present Check if the Video Mixing Renderer 7 Filter is available
IsVMR9Present Check if the Video Mixing Renderer 9 Filter is available
LoadGraphFile Load a DirectShow Graph from a file
RemoveAllFilters Remove and release all filters from a DirectShow Graph
RenderPin Render a filter's pin in a DirectShow Graph
SaveGraphFile Save a DirectShow Graph to a GRF file
ShowFilterPropertyPage Display Property Pages of a given DirectShow filter

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
ToString (inherited from Object) 

See Also

FilterGraphTools Class | DirectShowLib.Utils Namespace