Find Dialog

Dependency Walker

Find Dialog

The following options allow you to search for text in the Log View.

Find what

Fill this field in with the text you wish to locate in the Log View.

Match whole word only

Check this box to limit the search to only finding your text when seen as a whole word and not part of a larger word. When not checked, all occurrences of your text will be found. For example, when this option is not checked, searching for "lock" could find words like "clock" and "locker".

Match case

Check this box to limit the search to only finding text that exactly matches the case of your search text.

Find Next

Press this button to look for the next occurrence of your search text. The search begins from your current cursor location and continues to the end of the view. For each match that is found, the text will be highlighted in the Log View, and the cursor will be moved to that selection. You may repeatedly press Find Next to continue searching for more matches.