How to participate in the DITA Open Toolkit

DITA Open Toolkit 1.8.4

How to participate in the DITA Open Toolkit

Any individual or any organization can contribute to the project; contributions must adhere to the existing toolkit license(s) and should fit in with the general goals of the project. All major contributors will get appropriate recognition in release announcements and on the project home page.

Contributors can submit new features, patches, and bug fixes using existing github facilities (this is done by creating a "pull request" within github). The Committer(s) who owns the relevant components will first do due diligence to check code originality and licensing according to the DITA Open Toolkit Contribution Policy. After due diligence, the Committer(s) will use his/her own judgment on whether to accept the code into the original code base, request updates to the code, or suggest that the code be maintained as an external patch or plug-in.

Contributions are always encouraged, and generally fall into one of two groups, as determined by project Committers:
  • Bug fixes and minor patches are accepted with little overhead.
  • Major contributions require the contributor to sign a form stating that the submitter is free to commit the code (individually or on behalf of an employer), and that the code complies with the current toolkit license terms.