Shadow Element


Shadow Element

Internet Development Index

Defines a shadow for a shape.

The following attributes modify a shadow.

ColorDefines the color of a shadow.
Color2Defines the second color of a shadow.
IDSpecifies the unique identifier of a shadow.
MatrixDefines the perspective transform of a shadow.
ObscuredDetermines whether the shadow is transparent.
OffsetDefines how far the shadow extends past the shape.
Offset2Defines a second offset.
OnDetermines whether a shadow is displayed.
OpacityDetermines the transparency of a shadow.
OriginDefines the center of the shadow.
TypeSpecifies the type of shadow.


This element must be defined within a Shape element.

In addition, the On attribute must be set to True.

The following is the minimum code needed to produce a shadow.

   <v:shadow on="True"/>

You may not notice the shadow unless you increase the Offset values, since the default offset is 2pt,2pt.


Click here to view a simple shape with a shadow.

Click here to view a more complex sample.