IEvent Properties


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The IEvent type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCustomRecurringFunction
Set this to a custom function that will automatically determine if the event should be rendered on a given day. This is only executed if RecurringFrequency is set to custom.
Public propertyDate
The Date that the event occurs
Public propertyEnabled
True if the event is enabled, otherwise false
Public propertyEventColor
The color that the event show up in on the calendar
Public propertyEventFont
The font describing the appearance of the event
Public propertyEventLengthInHours
A value indicating the length of the event, in hours.
Public propertyEventText
The name of the event
Public propertyEventTextColor
The text color of the event
Public propertyIgnoreTimeComponent
True if the time component of the date can be ignored
Public propertyRank
The ranking of the event that determines the order in which it is displayed on a particular day
Public propertyReadOnlyEvent
True if the event details cannot be modified
Public propertyRecurringFrequency
A value indicating how often the event occurs
Public propertyThisDayForwardOnly
If this is a recurring event, set this to true to make the event show up only from the day specified forward
Public propertyTooltipEnabled
True if a tooltip should be displayed when hovering over the event

See Also