Lesson Properties

CSAL Mongo

Lesson Properties CSAL Mongo Access Library
The Lesson type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttemptTimes
Each time a student attempts this lesson, the date/time is appended to this list
Public propertyAutoCreated
If true, then this lesson was created automatically as the result of posted turn data
Public propertyId
The MongoDB ID (_id)
Public propertyLastTurnTime
Last time a turn was saved to the database (in StudentLessonActs)
Public propertyLessonID
The storage key for a lesson - note the interaction with Id
Public propertyShortName
Name displayed to user in the GUI
Public propertyStudents
List of students (by ID) that have been assigned this lesson
Public propertyStudentsAttempted
List of students (by ID) that have attempted this lesson. Size should always be less than or equal to size of Students
Public propertyStudentsCompleted
List of students (by ID) that have completed this lesson. Size should always be less than or equal to size of Students and StudentsAttempted
Public propertyTurnCount
Number of turns posted to the database
Public propertyURLs
List of URL's seen for this lesson's ID. Because the lesson ID is sent as a URL and then extracted, there should be at least one URL in this list if at least one Turn has been posted for the lesson.
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