CS3 JS: ScriptUIPen

CS3 ScriptUI



A drawing pen that defines a color and line width used to stroke paths.

Create with ScriptUIGraphics.newPen(). Use as a value of  foregroundColor properties, and pass as an argument to drawString() and strokePath() methods.


colorArray of Numberreadonly

The pen color.

The paint color to use when the type is SOLID_COLOR. An array in the form [R, B, G, A] specifying the red, green, blue values of the color and the opacity (alpha channel) value as numbers in the range [0.0..1.0]. An opacity of 0 is fully transparent, and an opacity of 1 is fully opaque.

lineWidthNumberr/wThe pixel width of the drawing line.

The theme name.

The name of a color theme to use for drawing when the type is THEME_COLOR. Theme colors are defined by the host application.


The pen type, solid or theme.

One of these constants: ScriptUIGraphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR or ScriptUIGraphics.PenType.THEME_COLOR

Element of



Used in

ScriptUIGraphics.strokePath (pen:ScriptUIPen, path:ScriptUIPath)

ScriptUIGraphics.drawString (text:String, pen:ScriptUIPen, x:Number, y:Number, font:ScriptUIFont)


ScriptUIPen ScriptUIGraphics.newPen (type:Number, color: Array of Number String)

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