CS3 JS: Socket

CS3 JavaScript


 Creates a TCP/IP connection, or establishes a TCP/IP server.


Socket, close, listen, open, poll, read, readln, write, writeln


connectedboolreadonlyWhen true, the connection is active.

Sets or retrieves the name of the encoding used to transmit data.

Typical values are "ASCII", "BINARY", or "UTF-8".

eofboolreadonlyWhen true, the receive buffer is empty.
errorstringr/wA message describing the most recent error. Setting this value clears any error message.

The name of the remote computer when a connection is established.

If the connection is shut down or does not exist, the property contains the empty string.

timeoutnumberr/wThe timeout in seconds to be applied to read or write operations. (default: 10)


Socket Socket ()
Creates a new Socket object.

bool close ()
Terminates the open connection.

bool listen (port:number [, encoding:string=ASCII])
Instructs the object to start listening for an incoming connection.

portnumber The TCP/IP port number to listen on.
encodingstringThe encoding to be used for the connection (default: ASCII)

bool open (host:string [, encoding:string=ASCII])
Opens the connection for subsequent read/write operations.

hoststringThe server to connect to.
encodingstringThe encoding to be used for the connection (default: ASCII)

Socket poll ()
Checks a listening object for a new incoming connection.

string read (count:number)
Reads up to the specified number of characters from the connection. CR characters are ignored unless the encoding is set to "BINARY".

countnumberThe number of characters to read.

string readln ()
Reads one line of text up to the next line feed.

bool write (text:string)
Concatenates all arguments into a single string and writes that string to the connection.

textstring Any number of string values. All arguments are concatenated to form the string to be written. CRLF sequences are converted to LFs unless the encoding is set to "BINARY".

bool writeln (text:string)
Concatenates all arguments into a single string, appends a LF character, and writes that string to the connection.

textstring Any number of string values. All arguments are concatenated to form the string to be written. CRLF sequences are converted to LFs unless the encoding is set to "BINARY".


Socket Socket.Socket ()

Socket Socket.poll ()

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