float expdcm(int y) {
int i;float a;
a=1.0;if (y > 0) for (i=0;i < y;i++) a*=10.0; if (y < 0) for (i=0;i > y;i--) a/=10.0; return a;
int cvalue(char *str,float *a,int *intflg) {
int c,ist,err; int ix,ie; int ictr1,ictr2; float dx;
- a=0.0;*intflg=ON;
while ((c=(*str++)) != '\0') { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { //only 0-9 and "." ix=c-'0';dx=ix; //dx = the int. if (ist >= 0 && ist <= 2) { *a=*a*10.0+dx; //a is added by the current int to be equivalent value. if (ictr1 != 0 || c != '0') ictr1++; //0 comes at the beginin' --> ictr1++. ist=2; //ist = 2 } else if (ist >= 3 && ist <= 4) { //After the DOT. ictr2++; *a=*a+dx*expdcm(-ictr2); ist=4; intflg=OFF; } else { //exception err=3;*a=0.0; return err; } }
else if (c == '.') { if (ist >= 0 && ist <= 2) { ist=3; *intflg=OFF; } else { //if the DOT appear twice. err=7;*a=0.0; return err; } } else { //exception. err=1;*a=0.0; return err; } } if ((ist >= 2 && ist <= 4)) {
- a=*a*expdcm(ie);
if ((*a-(int)(*a)) != 0.0) *intflg=OFF; return err; } else { err=2;*a=0.0; return err; }
} =============================================================================== Purpose: Change a string to a float number ===============================================================================// int value(char *str,float *a) {
int intflg;
return cvalue(str,a,&intflg);