CD - Canvas Draw

Extras in Lua

cdCreateImageRGB(width, height: number) -> (imagergb: imagergb_tag)

Creates an RGB image in Lua.

cdKillImageRGB(imagergb: imagergb_tag)

Destroys the created RGB image and liberates allocated memory.

cdCreateImageRGBA(width, height: number) -> (imagergba: imagergba_tag)

Creates an RGBA image in Lua.

cdKillImageRGBA(imagergba: imagergba_tag)

Destroys the created RGBA image and liberates allocated memory.

cdCreateImageMap(width, height: number) -> (imagemap: imagemap_tag)

Creates a Map image in Lua.

cdKillImageMap(imagemap: imagemap_tag)

Destroys the created Map image and liberates allocated memory.

cdCreatePalette(size: number) -> (palette: palette_tag)

Creates a palette in Lua.

cdKillPalette(palette: palette_tag)

Destroys the created palette and liberates allocated memory.

cdCreatePattern(width, height: number) -> (pattern: pattern_tag)

Creates a pattern in Lua.

cdKillPattern(pattern: pattern_tag)

Destroys the created pattern and liberates allocated memory.

cdCreateStipple(width, height: number) -> (stipple: stipple_tag)

Creates a stipple in Lua.

cdKillStipple(stipple: stipple_tag)

Destroys the created stipple and liberates allocated memory.