Remove Method


Applications should never remove databases with open DB handles, or in the case of removing a file, when any database in the file has an open handle. For example, some architectures do not permit the removal of files with open system handles. On these architectures, attempts to remove databases currently in use by any thread of control in the system may fail.

Remove should not be called if the remove is intended to be transactionally safe; RemoveDB(String, Boolean) should be used instead.

Overload List

Remove the underlying file represented by Filename, incidentally removing all of the databases it contained.
Remove(String, DatabaseEnvironment)
Remove the underlying file represented by Filename, incidentally removing all of the databases it contained.
Remove(String, String)
Remove the database specified by Filename and DatabaseName.
Remove(String, String, DatabaseEnvironment)
Remove the database specified by Filename and DatabaseName.

See Also