Print the Deposit Slips Report
Print deposit slips after entering a batch of receipts for deposit, when you are ready take the deposit to the bank.
Note: You print deposit slips using Sage 300 ERP Accounts Receivable.
- Select the Allow Printing of Deposit Slips option in the A/R Setup Options form. (After choosing this option, make sure you close, then reopen your company database, or the Deposit Slips icon will not appear in the A/R Transaction Reports folder.)
- If necessary, change the format for the deposit slip you want to print. For instructions, refer to the instructions in the online document Customizing Printed Forms with SAP Crystal.
To print deposit slips:
- In Sage 300 ERP Accounts
Receivable, use one of the following methods to print deposit slips:
- The Deposit button in a Receipt Entry form to print the deposit slip for the batch you are working on.
- The Deposit button in the Receipt Batch list to print a deposit slip for the batch you have selected.
- The Deposit Slips icon in the A/R Transaction Reports folder to print a range of deposit slips or to print deposit slips after posting their batches.
- Select deposit
slips to print as follows:
- Use Deposit Slip.
Type the name of the file that contains the format you use to print deposit
slips for the bank. The default deposit slip form (BKDPST01) is formatted
for laser printers and includes cash and check receipts only.
You can also choose the Browse button to search for the file you need. When the file name is highlighted, double-click it with a mouse or press the Enter key on your keyboard to choose it.
- Reprint Previously Printed Deposit Slips. Select this option if you want to print new copies of deposit slips you printed before.
- Bank Code.
Accept the displayed bank code or type another bank code or select one
from the Finder.
Select the bank code that matches the bank code in the batches for which you want to print deposit slips. If other bank codes are used in the range of batches you specify, Accounts Receivable prints deposit slips only for the batches that use the bank code you enter in this field.
- From/To Deposit Number.
Enter the numbers for the first and last deposits in the range from which
you want to print deposit slips. You can also select all deposit numbers,
or use the Finder to choose the first and last deposit numbers.
The range of deposits you specify depends on your selection of the options for printing deposit slips. You can print only posted deposit slips or previously printed deposit slips or unlisted deposit slips in open batches at one time.
- Use Deposit Slip.
Type the name of the file that contains the format you use to print deposit
slips for the bank. The default deposit slip form (BKDPST01) is formatted
for laser printers and includes cash and check receipts only.
- Click Print.