Update your Serial Number

Autodesk Stand-Alone Licensing

Update your Serial Number

If you installed your product with the trial serial number (000-00000000), you should update that trial serial number with a valid serial number. Your valid serial number is located on outside of the product packaging.

When you register and activate your product, you are asked for the product serial number, which gets automatically entered upon completion of the activation process.

If you have a multi-product bundle of software that uses a single serial number, only the first product you register and activate displays the updated serial number. For other products to display the serial number, you need to update it from the Help menu.

NoteIn order for the updated serial number to display, you need to be logged into the system with Administrator rights.

To update your serial number

  1. Launch your Autodesk product.
  2. On the Menu browser, select Help and then About.
  3. In the About [Autodesk Product] window, select Product Information.
  4. In the Update the Serial Number dialog box, enter your product serial number.

    The serial number is located on the outside of the product packaging.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Exit the product and restart to see the updated serial number.
NoteTo see the updated serial number in Vista, exit the product, right-click the product icon, and click Run as an Administrator.