Using the New & Delisted Tab


New & Delisted Tab

This tab displays lists of shares that have been recently added or removed from their stock exchange. It allows you to remove any of the latter from AutoShare, or combine them with other shares (in the event of a name change).

Delisted list box

Lists shares that are deemed to have been removed from their stock market index.

Delete button

Click this button to delete any shares you have selected in the Delisted list box.

Combine button

Click this button to combine two shares that you have selected: one each from the Delisted list box and All Shares list box. You can use this when a share has changed name. Price data from the old share is moved to the new. You can then delete the old share if desired.

Select All button

Selects all the shares appearing in the Delisted list box.

Recent Issues

Lists shares that have been recently added to the stock exchange. The list contains all new issues from the last n market days, where n is the number selected in the box to the right.

Added within last n days

Select a number to specify the number of days to go back when searching for recent issues. For example, select 5 to list all shares that have been issued in the last 5 market days.