Volume On-Screen-Display (OSD) by Rajat
This script assigns hotkeys of your choice to raise and lower the master and/or wave volume. Both volumes are displayed as different color bar graphs.
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;_________________________________________________ ;_______User Settings_____________________________ ; Make customisation only in this area or hotkey area only!! ; The percentage by which to raise or lower the volume each time: vol_Step = 4 ; How long to display the volume level bar graphs: vol_DisplayTime = 2000 ; Master Volume Bar color (see the help file to use more ; precise shades): vol_CBM = Red ; Wave Volume Bar color vol_CBW = Blue ; Background color vol_CW = Silver ; Bar's screen position. Use -1 to center the bar in that dimension: vol_PosX = -1 vol_PosY = -1 vol_Width = 150 ; width of bar vol_Thick = 12 ; thickness of bar ; If your keyboard has multimedia buttons for Volume, you can ; try changing the below hotkeys to use them by specifying ; Volume_Up, ^Volume_Up, Volume_Down, and ^Volume_Down: Hotkey, #Up, vol_MasterUp ; Win+UpArrow Hotkey, #Down, vol_MasterDown Hotkey, +#Up, vol_WaveUp ; Shift+Win+UpArrow Hotkey, +#Down, vol_WaveDown ;___________________________________________ ;_____Auto Execute Section__________________ ; DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING HERE (unless you know what you're doing). vol_BarOptionsMaster = 1:B ZH%vol_Thick% ZX0 ZY0 W%vol_Width% CB%vol_CBM% CW%vol_CW% vol_BarOptionsWave = 2:B ZH%vol_Thick% ZX0 ZY0 W%vol_Width% CB%vol_CBW% CW%vol_CW% ; If the X position has been specified, add it to the options. ; Otherwise, omit it to center the bar horizontally: if vol_PosX >= 0 { vol_BarOptionsMaster = %vol_BarOptionsMaster% X%vol_PosX% vol_BarOptionsWave = %vol_BarOptionsWave% X%vol_PosX% } ; If the Y position has been specified, add it to the options. ; Otherwise, omit it to have it calculated later: if vol_PosY >= 0 { vol_BarOptionsMaster = %vol_BarOptionsMaster% Y%vol_PosY% vol_PosY_wave = %vol_PosY% vol_PosY_wave += %vol_Thick% vol_BarOptionsWave = %vol_BarOptionsWave% Y%vol_PosY_wave% } #SingleInstance SetBatchLines, 10ms Return ;___________________________________________ vol_WaveUp: SoundSet, +%vol_Step%, Wave Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_WaveDown: SoundSet, -%vol_Step%, Wave Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_MasterUp: SoundSet, +%vol_Step% Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_MasterDown: SoundSet, -%vol_Step% Gosub, vol_ShowBars return vol_ShowBars: ; To prevent the "flashing" effect, only create the bar window if it ; doesn't already exist: IfWinNotExist, vol_Wave Progress, %vol_BarOptionsWave%, , , vol_Wave IfWinNotExist, vol_Master { ; Calculate position here in case screen resolution changes while ; the script is running: if vol_PosY < 0 { ; Create the Wave bar just above the Master bar: WinGetPos, , vol_Wave_Posy, , , vol_Wave vol_Wave_Posy -= %vol_Thick% Progress, %vol_BarOptionsMaster% Y%vol_Wave_Posy%, , , vol_Master } else Progress, %vol_BarOptionsMaster%, , , vol_Master } ; Get both volumes in case the user or an external program changed them: SoundGet, vol_Master, Master SoundGet, vol_Wave, Wave Progress, 1:%vol_Master% Progress, 2:%vol_Wave% SetTimer, vol_BarOff, %vol_DisplayTime% return vol_BarOff: SetTimer, vol_BarOff, Off Progress, 1:Off Progress, 2:Off return